

Mario DeCiutiis joins New England Conservatory's percussion faculty with the 2017/2018 academic year.

Mario studied classical percussion at NYU with Morris Lang from the New York Philharmonic...

Matt Mckay

Percussionist Matthew McKay joins the Boston Symphony Orchestra at the beginning of the 2012–2013 season, and occupies the Barbara Lee chair at the BSO. Prior to joining the BSO, he was a...

Austin McMahon

Austin McMahon is “one of the most in-demand jazz drummers in Boston.” Sought out for his versatility, he actively performs in an array of jazz and world music ensembles ranging from trio to chamber...

Daniel Bauch

Daniel Bauch serves as the Assistant Principal Timpanist and Section Percussionist with the Boston Symphony. Previously, he held the same position with the Detroit Symphony where he co-founded New...

Mikael Ringquist

Mikael Ringquist teaches hand drumming classes at NEC. He was born in Stockholm, Sweden, and signed his first professional recording contract at age 17 with Sound of Scandinavia Records. Mikael later...

Jerry Leake Photo

Jerry Leake Jerry Leake is the founder of the world-rock-fusion octet Cubist whose three critically acclaimed CD’s feature his diverse talent as a composer, arranger, and performer. Jerry is the co...

Will Hudgins

Will Hudgins has been a member of the BSO since 1990; he won his previous position in the Florida Symphony Orchestra directly after his graduate studies. He performed as soloist in the BSO’s world...

Billy Hart

Billy Hart played in rhythm-and-blues bands while in high school, accompanying such important soul artists as Otis Redding, Joe Tex, and Smokey Robinson as house drummer at the Howard Theater in...

Frank Epstein

A native of Amsterdam, percussionist Frank Epstein came to the United States in 1952, settling in Hollywood, and joining the BSO in 1968.

Epstein has made recordings with the Los Angeles Philharmonic...

Brooke Sofferman

Brooke Sofferman is a jazz percussionist and composer.

Endorser of Sonor Drums, Istanbul Agop Cymbals and ProMark Sticks, drummer and composer Brooke Sofferman is active on the Boston and New York...