
Aldo Abreu

Aldo Abreu has taken the recorder and its repertoire to many prestigious venues throughout the United States, Europe, New Zealand, Australia, and his native Venezuela. Since winning First Prize at the...

Eli Epstein

Eli Epstein enjoys a multi-faceted career as performer, educator, conductor and author. Epstein was second horn of the Cleveland Orchestra (1987-2005), and horn professor at the Cleveland Institute of...

David Zoffer

David Zoffer is a multi-instrumentalist whose principal instrument is piano.

B.M. Oberlin Conservatory, M.M. New England Conservatory. Studies with Bob Moses, Paul Bley, Neil Creque, Wendell Logan...

Bruce Brubaker

Bruce Brubaker joined the New England Conservatory faculty in 2004, and became piano chair in 2005. In live performances from the Hollywood Bowl to New York’s David Geffen Hall, from Paris to Hong...