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New England Conservatory

Join us as we welcome new and returning students and commemorate the opening of the school year!

Convocation will last approximately 35 minutes and will include:

  • Poem: “Conditioned Compassion”...

Dang Thai Son by Hirotoshi Sato

Vietnamese-Canadian pianist Dang Thai Son was propelled to the forefront of the musical world in October 1980, when he was awarded the First Prize and Gold Medal at the Tenth International Chopin...

Lift Music Fund infographic about socioeconomic status and musical aptitude, reporting that SES is more predictive of success in music than academic competence or musical aptitude.
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Founded by wind conducting alum Emily Mariko Eng ‘18 MM, the new fund bolsters racial and socioeconomic equity by providing consistent, rapid financial support for the incidental costs of pursuing musical education.
Album cover for The Rise Up by Mehmet Ali Sanlikol
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News about NEC students, alumni, and faculty members including Mehmet Ali Sanlıkol, MaryAnn McCormick, David Loebel, Celeste Pellegrino, Larisa Bainton, Melissa White, Laurel Barnett, and more.
Amir Siraj headshot
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Amir Siraj, a Harvard/NEC student in piano and astrophysics, founded Music for the Parks to combine his interests in music and science and advocate for U.S. National Parks.
Sid Richardson headshot
Composer Sid Richardson (b. 1987) writes concert music that imbues modern idioms with emotional grit and wit. His work explores the intersections of music and literature, drawing inspiration from a...

After facing the assassinations of Martin Luther King, Jr. and President John F. Kennedy, NEC responded musically throughout Black communities in Boston and expanded its Jazz and Community Services...


The establishment of a jazz program at NEC influenced the culture of teaching and making music across the institution in many ways. In actuality, the new opportunities provided complex challenges...


In 1969, NEC President Gunther Schuller established the “Afro-American Music and Jazz Studies Department”, the first nationally accredited program of its kind in the United States. The institution had...