Recital: Su Jin Park '21 MM, Soprano

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NEC's students meet one-on-one each week with a faculty artist to perfect their craft. As each one leaves NEC to make their mark in the performance world, they present a full, professional recital that is free and open to the public. It's your first look at the artists of tomorrow.

Su Jin Park '21 MM studies Voice with Lorraine Nubar.

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  • Su Jin Park '21 MM, soprano
  1. George Frideric Handel | Alma mia from Floridante


    Alma mia

    Alma mia, sì, sol tu sei

    la mia gloria, il mio diletto,
    dal poter de’ sommi Dei
    più bel dono io non aspetto. 

    Paolo Antonio Rolli

    My soul

    My soul, yes, only you are

    My glory, my delight,
    From the power of the highest Gods 

    A more beautiful gift I do not await.

    Translation from Italian (Italiano) to English copyright © 2019 by Garrett Medlock, reprinted with permission
    from the LiederNet Archive,

  2. Claude Debussy | Fêtes galantes, Book 1

    En sourdine
    Clair de lune


    En sourdine

    Calmes dans le demi-jour

    Que les branches hautes font,
    Pénétrons bien notre amour
    De ce silence profond.

    Fondons nos âmes, nos cœurs
    Et nos sens extasiés,
    Parmi les vagues langueurs
    Des pins et des arbousiers.

    Ferme tes yeux à demi,
    Croise tes bras sur ton sein,
    Et de ton cœur endormi
    Chasse à jamais tout dessein.

    Laissons-nous persuader
    Au souffle berceur et doux
    Qui vient à tes pieds rider
    Les ondes des gazons roux.

    Et quand, solennel, le soir
    Des chênes noirs tombera, 

    Voix de notre désespoir,
    Le rossignol chantera.

    Paul Verlaine


    Calm in the twilight
    Cast by loft boughs,
    Let us steep our love
    In this deep quiet.

    Let us mingle our souls, our hearts
    And our enraptured senses
    With the hazy languor
    Of arbutus and pine.

    Half-close your eyes,

    Fold your arms across your breast,
    And from your heart now lulled to rest
    Banish forever all intent.

    Let us both succumb
    To the gentle and lulling breeze
    That comes to ruffle at your feet
    The waves of russet grass.

    And when, solemnly, evening
    Falls from the black oaks,
    That voice of our despair, 

    The nightingale shall sing.

    Translation © Richard Stokes, from A French Song Companion (Oxford, 2000) provided courtesy of Oxford


    Scaramouche et Pulcinella

    Qu’un mauvais dessein rassembla
    Gesticulent, noirs sous la lune.

    Cependant l’excellent docteur
    Bolonais cueille avec lenteur
    Des simples parmi l’herbe brune.

    Lors sa fille, piquant minois,
    Sous la charmille, en tapinois,
    Se glisse, demi-nue, en quête

    De son beau pirate espagnol,
    Dont un amoureux rossignol 

    Clame la détresse à tue-tête.

    Paul Verlaine


    Scaramouche and Pulcinella

    Drawn together by some evil scheme,
    Gesticulate, black beneath the moon.

    Meanwhile the excellent doctor
    From Bologna is leisurely picking
    Medicinal herbs in the brown grass.

    Then his daughter, pertly pretty,
    Beneath the arbour, stealthily,
    Glides, half-naked, in quest

    Of her handsome Spanish pirate,
    Whose grief a lovelorn nightingale
    Proclaims as loudly as he can. 

    Translation © Richard Stokes, from A French Song Companion (Oxford, 2000) provided courtesy of Oxford

    Clair de lune

    Votre âme est un paysage choisi

    Que vont charmant masques et bergamasques
    Jouant du luth et dansant et quasi
    Tristes sous leurs déguisements fantasques.

    Tout en chantant sur le mode mineur
    L’amour vainqueur et la vie opportune,
    Ils n’ont pas l’air de croire à leur bonheur
    Et leur chanson se mêle au clair de lune,

    Au calme clair de lune triste et beau,
    Qui fait rêver les oiseaux dans les arbres
    Et sangloter d’extase les jets d’eau,
    Les grands jets d’eau sveltes parmi les marbres. 

    Paul Verlaine


    Your soul is a chosen landscape
    bewitched by masquers and bergamaskers,
    playing the lute and dancing and almost
    sad beneath their fanciful disguises.

    Singing as they go in a minor key
    of conquering love and life’s favours,
    they do not seem to believe in their fortune
    and their song mingles with the light of the moon,

    The calm light of the moon, sad and fair,
    that sets the birds dreaming in the trees
    and the fountains sobbing in their rapture, 

    tall and svelte amid marble statues.

    Translation © Richard Stokes, from A French Song Companion (Oxford, 2000) provided courtesy of Oxford

  3. Landon Ronald | A Cycle of Life

    Down in the Forest (Spring)
    Love, I have won you (Summer)
    The winds are calling (Autumn)
    Drift down, drift down (Winter)



    Life, with here a smile, with there a tear,

    relentless river,
    Moves from day to day from year to year,
    Nor lingers ever.

    Love, upon its banks imploring stands
    In anguish calling,
    Stands with yearning eyes and outstretched hands
    And soft tears falling

    Life, thy ways are long, thy end is dark,
    And we, unknowing
    Whence it was we came, or why we embark,
    Or whither going

    Live and love awhile
    And pray at last
    To reap our sowing.

    Down in the forest (Spring)

    Down in the forest something stirred

    So faint that I scarcely heard:
    But the forest leapt at the sound,
    Like a good ship homeward bound.
    Down in the forest something stirred,
    It was only the note of a bird.

    Now in the morning of life I stand
    And I long for the touch of your hand;
    I am here at your door,
    Oh love, we will wait no more!

    Down in the forest something stirred,
    It was only the note of a bird.

    Love, I have won you(Summer)

    Love, I have won you and held you

    In a lifelong quickening dream;
    When the meadows sprang fair with flowers
    And the river was all a gleam.

    Warm shone the sunlight around us,
    And clear were the skies above,
    Till the stars peep'd forth in the twilight,
    And the moon rose pale with love.

    Love, I have won you and held you,
    Life has no more to give,
    Then come to me here in the sunshine,
    It is summer, ah, let us live!

    The winds are calling(Autumn)

    The winds are calling, calling,
    And the friendly voices die;
    The rain is falling, falling,
    From out a frowning sky;
    Then let us quickly you and I

    If aught that I have told you
    Should bring a moment's pain,
    Love I will take and hold you
    Within my arms again;
    And press you closely to my heart
    Before we part
    Then let us say it quickly you and I

    Drift down, drift down (Winter)

    Drift down, drift down from the skies,

    Little white snowflakes falling fast,
    Like sleep that falls on tired eyes
    To bring us peace at last:
    Drift down, drift down from the skies,
    Little white snowflakes falling fast.

    Fall soft, fall soft on my love,
    Little white snowflakes drifting down,
    Messengers from the skies above,
    On the winds of passion blown;
    Fall soft, fall soft on my love,
    Little white snowflakes drifting down.
    Drift down, drift down from the skies...

    Harold Simpson

  4. ---intermission

  5. Sergei Rachmaninoff | Songs

    Сирень (Lilacs)                  
    Не пой, красавица (Do not sing, my beauty)
    Весенние воды (Spring waters)



    По утру, на заре,

    По росистой траве,
    Я пойду свежим утром дышать;
    И в душистую тень,
    Где теснится сирень,
    Я пойду своё счастье искать...

    В жизни счастье одно
    Мне найти суждено,
    И то счастье в сирени живёт;
    На зелёных ветвях,
    На душистых кистях
    Моё бедное счастье цветёт...

    Ekaterina Andreyena Beketova


    In the morning, at daybreak,

    over the dewy grass,
    I will go to breathe the crisp dawn;
    and in the fragrant shade,
    where the lilac crowds,
    I will go to seek my happiness...

    In life, only one happiness
    it was fated for me to discover,
    and that happiness lives in the lilacs;
    in the green boughs,
    in the fragrant bunches,
    my poor happiness blossoms...

    Translation from Russian (Русский) to English copyright © by Anton Bespalov and Rianne Stam,
    reprinted with permission from the LiederNet Archive,

    Не пой, красавица

    Не пой, красавица, при мне

    Ты песен Грузии печальной;
    Напоминают мне оне
    Другую жизнь и берег дальний.

    Увы, напоминают мне
    Твои жестокие напевы
    И степь, и ночь, и при луне
    Черты далекой, бедной девы!

    Я призрак милый, роковой,
    Тебя увидев, забываю;
    Но ты поёшь, и предо мной
    Его я вновь воображаю.

    Не пой, красавица, при мне
    Ты песен Грузии печальной;
    Напоминают мне оне 

    Другую жизнь и берег дальний.

    Alexandr Sergeyevich Pushkin

    Do not sing, my beauty

    Do not sing, my beauty, to me

    your sad songs of Georgia;
    they remind me
    of that other life and distant shore.

    Alas, They remind me,
    your cruel melodies,
    of the steppe, the night and moonlit
    features of a poor, distant maiden!

    That sweet and fateful apparition
    I forget when you appear;
    but you sing, and before me
    I picture that image anew.

    Do not sing, my beauty, to me
    your sad songs of Georgia;
    they remind me
    of that other life and distant shore.

    Translation from Russian (Русский) to English copyright © by Anton Bespalov and Rianne Stam,
    reprinted with permission from the LiederNet Archive,

    Весенние воды

    Ещё в полях белеет снег,

    А воды уж весной шумят --
    Бегут и будят сонный брег,
    Бегут, и блещут, и гласят...

    Они гласят во все концы:
    «Весна идёт, весна идёт!
    Мы молодой весны гонцы,
    Она нас выслала вперёд.

    Весна идёт, весна идёт,

    И тихих, тёплых майских дней
    Румяный, светлый хоровод
    Толпится весело за ней!...» 

    Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev

    Spring Waters

    The fields are still whitened with snow,

    But the waters already roar with Spring.
    They rush and awaken the sleepy riverbank,
    They rush, and sparkle, and proclaim...

    They proclaim to all corners of the earth:
    “Spring is coming, Spring is coming!
    We are the heralds of the young Spring,
    She has sent us forward!”

    Spring is coming, Spring is coming,
    And the quiet, warm days of May
    In a bright and glowing round dance 

    Bustle joyfully behind her.

    Translation from Russian (Русский) to English copyright © 2018 by Sergey Rybin, reprinted with permission
    from the LiederNet Archive,

  6. 김효근 Hyo Gun Kym | 첫사랑 (First Love)










    김효근 Hyo Gun Kym
    First Love

    The first time I saw you
    I put the light in my fluttering heart

    The time that I couldn't talk to you
    It made my heart ache

    The moment I met your eyes
    I turned my eyes in case you read my heart
    The time that I've been with you.
    I am overwhelmed

    My soul, pray earnestly
    All the world, sing for me

    When can I deliver my heart to you?
    I live today thinking about only of you

    The moment when heart opened
    I put a dream in my trembling lips
    It was such a short time
    Be stop forever

    Sing joyfully, my soul
    All the world, bless us

    My heart, become the light and shine on you
    I live today thinking about only of you

    First love...

    Translation by Su Jin Park
  7. 이원주 Won Ju Lee | 베틀노래 (Loom Song)







    고정희 Jeong Hi Go
    Loom Song

    Even one drop of my sweat will soak into each thread
    So that it may be warm enough to wrap your soul.
    Shuttles of meeting that come and go constantly throughout a lifetime.
    The reel of anguish spun in a quiet stillness

    Weave every line of thread, thinking of my beloved
    So that it may be a fine silk to protect him from the dawn wind.
    I’ll wait. I’ll wait. I’ll wait.
    Alas! Dear the thread that’s cut twelve times a day,
    It is frightening to be abruptly unraveled
    It is a wistful night to be unexpectedly over
    Uncontrollable love songs!

    A lifetime’s worth of teardrops will soak into each thread
    So that it may be a fine silk to cover your agony.
    A fine silk it is. A fine silk it is.

    Translation by Su Jin Park