Recital: Lizzy Stant '21 MM, Soprano

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NEC's students meet one-on-one each week with a faculty artist to perfect their craft. As each one leaves NEC to make their mark in the performance world, they present a full, professional recital that is free and open to the public. It's your first look at the artists of tomorrow.

Lizzy Stant '21 MM studies Voice with Jane Eaglen.

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  • Lizzy Stant '21 MM, soprano
  • Kyunga Lee, piano
  • Barbie Matthews, guitar
  • Jane Eaglen, studio instructor
  1. Franz Schubert | Songs

    Suleika I
    Suleika II
    Du bist die Rue


    Suleika I

    Was bedeutet die Bewegung?
    Bringt der Ost mir frohe Kunde?
    Seiner Schwingen frische Regung
    Kühlt des Herzens tiefe Wunde.

    Kosend spielt er mit dem Staube,
    Jagt ihn auf in leichten Wölkchen,
    Treibt zur sichern Rebenlaube
    Der Insekten frohes Völkchen.

    Lindert sanft der Sonne Glühen,
    Kühlt auch mir die heissen Wangen,
    Küsst die Reben noch im Fliehen,
    Die auf Feld und Hügel prangen.

    Und mir bringt sein leises Flüstern
    Von dem Freunde tausend Grüsse;
    Eh’ noch diese Hügel düstern,
    Grüssen mich wohl tausend Küsse.

    Und so kannst du weiter ziehen!
    Diene Freunden und Betrübten.
    Dort wo hohe Mauern glühen,
    Dort find’ ich bald den Vielgeliebten.

    Ach, die wahre Herzenskunde,
    Liebeshauch, erfrischtes Leben
    Wird mir nur aus seinem Munde, 

    Kann mir nur sein Atem geben.

    Marianne von Willemer

    Suleika I

    What does this stirring portend?
    Is the east wind bringing me joyful tidings?
    The refreshing motion of its wings

    cools the heart’s deep wound.

    It plays caressingly with the dust,
    throwing it up in light clouds,
    and drives the happy swarm
    of insects to the safety of the vine-leaves.

    It gently tempers the burning heat of the sun,
    and cools my hot cheeks;
    even as it flies it kisses the vines
    that adorn the fields and hillsides.

    And its soft whispering brings me
    a thousand greetings from my beloved;
    before these hills grow dark
    I shall be greeted by a thousand kisses.

    Now you may pass on,
    and serve the happy and the sad;
    there, where high walls glow,
    I shall soon find my dearly beloved.

    Ah, the true message of the heart,
    the breath of love, renewed life
    will come to me only from his lips, 

    can be given to me only by his breath.

    Suleika II

    Ach, um deine feuchten Schwingen,

    West, wie sehr ich dich beneide:
    Denn du kannst ihm Kunde bringen
    Was ich in der Trennung leide!

    Die Bewegung deiner Flügel
    Weckt im Busen stilles Sehnen;
    Blumen, Auen, Wald und Hügel 

    Stehn bei deinem Hauch in Tränen.

    Doch dein mildes sanftes Wehen
    Kühlt die wunden Augenlider;
    Ach, für Leid müsst’ ich vergehen,
    Hofft’ ich nicht zu sehn ihn wieder.

    Eile denn zu meinem Lieben,
    Spreche sanft zu seinem Herzen;
    Doch vermeid’ ihn zu betrüben 
    Und verbirg ihm meine Schmerzen.

    Sag ihm, aber sag’s bescheiden:
    Seine Liebe sei mein Leben,
    Freudiges Gefühl von beiden
    Wird mir seine Nähe geben.

    Marianne von Willemer 



    Suleika II 

    Ah, West Wind, how I envy you

    your moist wings;
    for you can bring him word
    of what I suffer separated from him.

    The motion of your wings
    awakens a silent longing within my breast.
    Flowers, meadows, woods and hills 
    grow tearful at your breath.  

    But your mild, gentle breeze
    cools my sore eyelids;
    ah, I should die of grief
    if I had no hope of seeing him again.

    Hasten then to my beloved
    speak softly to his heart –
    but be careful not to distress him,
    and conceal my suffering from him.

    Tell him, but tell him humbly,
    that his love is my life,
    and that his presence will bring me
    a joyous sense of both.

    Translations © Richard Wigmore, author of Schubert the Complete Song Texts published by Schirmer Books, provided courtesy of Oxford Lieder (

    Du bist die Ruh

    Du bist die Ruh,

    Der Friede mild,
    Die Sehnsucht du,
    Und was sie stillt.
    Ich weihe dir
    Voll Lust und Schmerz
    Zur Wohnung hier
    Mein Aug’ und Herz.
    Kehr’ ein bei mir,
    Und schliesse du
    Still hinter dir
    Die Pforten zu.
    Treib andern Schmerz
    Aus dieser Brust.
    Voll sei dies Herz
    Von deiner Lust.
    Dies Augenzelt
    Von deinem Glanz
    Allein erhellt,
    O füll’ es ganz.

    Friedrich Rückert 

    You Are Repose

    You are repose

    And gentle peace,
    You are longing
    And what stills it.
    I pledge to you
    Full of joy and pain
    As a dwelling here
    My eyes and heart.
    Come in to me,
    And softly close
    The gate
    Behind you.
    Drive other pain
    From this breast!
    Let my heart be filled
    With your joy.
    This temple of my eyes
    Is lit
    By your radiance alone,

    O fill it utterly.

    Translation by Richard Stokes, author of The Book of Lieder (Faber, 2005) provided courtesy of Oxford Lieder-

    • KyungA Lee, piano
  2. Lili Boulanger | Clairières dans le ciel (1914)

    Elle était descendue au bas
    Elle est gravement gaie
    Parfois, je suis triste
    Un poète disait


    Clairières dans le ciel

    Elle était descendue au bas

    Elle était descendue au bas de la prairie,
    et, comme la prairie était toute fleurie
    de plantes dont la tige aime à pousser dans l'eau,
    ces plantes inondées je les avais cueillies.
    Bientôt, s'étant mouillée, elle gagna le haut
    de cette prairie-là qui était toute fleurie.
    Elle riait et s'ébrouait avec la grâce
    dégingandée qu'ont les jeunes filles trop grandes.

    Elle avait le regard qu'ont les fleurs de lavande.

    Glades of Light

    She had gone down 

    She had gone down to the bottom of the meadow,

    and because the meadow was full of flowers 
    that like to grow in the water, 
    I had gathered the drowned plants. 
    Soon, because she was wet, she came back to the top
    of that flowery meadow. 
    She laughed and moved with the lanky grace 
    of girls who are too tall.  

    She looked the way lavender flowers do.

    Elle est gravement gaie

    Elle est gravement gaie. Par moments son regard

    se levait comme pour surprendre ma pensée.
    Elle était douce alors comme quand il est tard

    le velours jaune et bleu d'une allée de pensées. 

    She is solemnly gay

    She is solemnly gay. Sometimes she looked up 

    as if to see what I was thinking. 
    She was as soft as the yellow and blue velvet  

    of a lane of pansies late at night.

    Parfois, je suis triste

    Parfois, je suis triste. Et soudain, je pense à elle.

    Alors, je suis joyeux. Mais je redeviens triste
    de ce que je ne sais pas combien elle m'aime.
    Elle est la jeune fille à l'âme toute claire,
    et qui, dedans son cœur, garde avec jalousie
    l'unique passion que l'on donne à un seul.
    Elle est partie avant que s'ouvrent les tilleuls,
    et, comme ils ont fleuri depuis qu'elle est partie,
    Je me suis étonné de voir, ô mes amis,
    des branches de tilleuls qui n'avaient pas de fleurs. 

    Sometimes I'm sad

    Sometimes I'm sad, and then suddenly I think of her 

    and I'm happy. Then I'm sad again 
    because I don't know how much she loves me. 
    She is a bright-souled girl, 
    and in her heart she jealously protects 
    the one passion she will bestow on only one. 
    She left before the lindens opened. 
    They have flowered since then 
    and I was amazed, my friends,  

    to see linden branches with no flowers on them.

    Un poète disait

    Un poète disait que, lorsqu'il était jeune,

    il fleurissait des vers comme un rosier des roses.
    Lorsque je pense à elle, il me semble que jase
    une fontaine intarissable dans mon cœur.
    Comme sur le lys Dieu pose un parfum d'église,
    comme il met du corail aux joues de la cerise,
    je veux poser sur elle, avec dévotion,
    la couleur d'un parfum, qui n'aura pas de nom. 

    A poet said

    A poet said that when he was young 

    poems budded out of him like roses on a rose bush. 
    When I think of her, it feels like 
    there is an inexhaustible spring in my heart. 
    As God gives the lily the odor of a church 
    and tints the cherry's cheeks, 
    I want to give her with devotion 
    the color of a perfume that shall have no name. 

    Translation from French (Français) to English copyright © 2003 by Faith J. Cormier, from the LiederNet Archive 
    • KyungA Lee, piano
  3. ---intermission

  4. Mauro Giuliani | from Sei Ariette, op. 95

    2. Fra tutte le pene
    3. Quando sarà quel di
    4. Le dimore
    6. Di due bell' anime


    Fra tutte le pene

    Fra tutte le pene,

    v’é pena maggiore?
    Son presso al mio bene,
    sospiro d’amore
    e dirgli non oso:
    sospiro per te.
    Mi manca il valore
    per tanto soffrire.
    Mi manca l’ardire 

    per chieder mercè.

    Of all the pains

    Of all the pains,

    is there any pain greater?
    I am near my beloved,
    I sigh with love,
    and I dare not say to my beloved:
    I sigh for you.
    I lack the courage
    to suffer so much.
    I lack the boldness 

    to ask for mercy.

    Quando sarà quel di

    Quando sarà quel di,

    ch’io non ti senta in sen
    sempre tremar così,
    povero core?
    Stelle, che crudeltà!
    Un sol piacer non v’è,
    che, quando mio si fa 

    non sia dolore.

    When will the day come

    When will the day come

    when I do not feel you in my breast
    always trembling,
    poor heart?
    O stars, what cruelty!
    There isn’t a single pleasure, 

    which, when it becomes mine 
    does not become sorrow.

    Le dimore amor non ama

    Le dimore amor non ama

    presso a lei mi chiama amore
    ed io volo ove mi chiama
    il mio caro con dottier.
    Tempo è ben che l’alma ottenga
    la mercè d’un lungo esilio
    e che ormai supplisca il ciglio 

    agli uffi ci del pensier.

    Love does not like delays

    Love does not like delays.

    My love calls me to her,
    and I rush to wherever my dear
    commander calls me.
    It is time that my soul obtained
    the mercy of a long exile,
    and that from now on my eyes 

    can take the place of mere imagining.

    Di due bell’anime

    Di due bell’anime, che amor piagò,

    gli affetti teneri turbar non vuò.
    Godete placidi nel sen d’amor.
    Oh se fedele fosse così
    quella crudele che mi ferì,
    meco men barbaro saresti, amor. 

    Pietro Metastasio

    Two beautiful souls

    Two beautiful souls, who love has wounded,

    their tender affections I do not wish to disturb.
    Enjoy them quietly in the bosom of love.
    Oh, if as faithful to me
    were the cruel one who wounded me, 
    you would be less barbarous toward me, my love.

    Translations by Alyssa Anderson, Anna Freeburg, and Joseph Spoelstra

    • Barbara Matthews, guitar
  5. David Leisner | Heaven's River (1991)

    The Boat
    To the Stream


    The Boat 

    Early in the day it was whispered that we should sail in a boat, only you and I,

    and never a soul in the world would know of this our pilgrimage to no country and to no end. 

    In that shoreless ocean, at your silently listening smile my songs would swell in melodies, free as waves, free from all bondage of words.

    Is the time not come yet? Are there works still to do?
    Lo, the evening has come down upon the shore
    and in the fading light the seabirds come flying to their nests.

    Who knows when the chains will be off, and the boat,
    like the last glimmer of sunset, vanish into the night? 


    Light, my light, the world-filling light, the eye-kissing light, heart-sweetening light!

    Ah, the light dances, my darling, at the center of my life; the light strikes, my darling, the
    chords of my love; the sky opens, the wind runs wild, laughter passes over the earth.

    The butterflies spread their sails on the sea of light. Lilies and jasmines surge up on the crest of the waves of light.

    The light is shattered into gold on every cloud, my darling, and it scatters gems in profusion.

    Mirth spreads from leaf to leaf, my darling, and gladness without measure. The heaven’s river has drowned its banks and the flood of joy is abroad. 

    To the Stream 

    The day is no more, the shadow is upon the earth.
    It is time that I go to the stream to fill my pitcher.

    The evening air is eager with the sad music of the water.
    Ah, it calls me out into the dusk.

    I know not if I shall come back home.
    I know not whom I shall chance to meet.

    There at the fording in the little boat
    the unknown man plays upon his lute.

    Rabindranath Tagore

    • Barbara Matthews, guitar
  6. I would like to extend a huge thank you to Tanya Blaich for graciously sharing her knowledge and enthusiasm for this repertoire with me and my collaborators.

    I would like to thank my fabulous collaborators, KyungA and Barbie, for their time and talent, care at approaching this music, and for their friendship along the way through this journey.

    I’d also like to thank my family and friends for supporting me, especially my roommates who have had to listen to this music for the past year.

    Lastly, I’d like to thank
    my teacher, Jane Eaglen, for her infinite wisdom and for always knowing how to bring out the best in me!