Recital: Lina Chung '21 BM, Soprano

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NEC's students meet one-on-one each week with a faculty artist to perfect their craft. As each one leaves NEC to make their mark in the performance world, they present a full, professional recital that is free and open to the public. It's your first look at the artists of tomorrow.

Lina Chung '21 BM studies Voice with Carole Haber.

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  • Lina Chung '21 BM, soprano
  • Leona Cheung, piano
  • Carole Haber, studio instructor
  1. Antonio Vivaldi | Vieni, o mio diletto; Sposa son disprezzata


    Vieni, o mio diletto

    Vieni, vieni, o mio diletto

    Che il mio core tutto affetto
    Gia t'aspetta e ogn'or ti chiama.
    Il mio core tutto affetto
    Gia t'aspetta e gia ti chiama.


    Come, o my delight

    Come, come, o my delight,

    For my heart, full of affection,
    Already awaits you and calls to you always.
    My heart, full of affection,
    Already awaits you and already calls to you.

    Translation copyright © by Emily Ezust, from the LiederNet Archive;

    Sposa son disprezzata

    Sposa son disprezzata,

    fida son oltraggiata,
    cieli che feci mai?
    E pur egl'è il mio cor
    il mio sposo, il mio amor,
    la mia speranza.

    Agostino Piovene

    As a wife, I am scorned

    As a wife I am scorned,

    A faithful woman, I am insulted.
    Heavens, what have I done?
    And yet he is my heart,
    my husband, my love,
    my hope.

    Translation by Lina Chung

  2. Johannes Brahms | Selected Songs

    Der Jäger
    Der Fruhling
    Heimweh II


    Der Jäger

    Mein Lieb ist ein Jäger,

    Und grün ist sein Kleid,
    Und blau ist sein Auge,
    Nur sein Herz ist zu weit.

    Mein Lieb ist ein Jäger,
    Trifft immer ins Ziel,
    Und Mädchen berückt er,
    So viel er nur will.

    Mein Lieb ist ein Jäger,
    Kennt Wege und Spur,
    Zu mir aber kommt er
    Durch die Kirchtüre nur!

    Friedrich Halm

    The huntsman

    My love’s a huntsman,

    And he dresses in green,
    And his eyes are blue,
    But his heart’s too open.

    My love’s a huntsman,
    Never misses his mark,
    And he bewitches girls,
    As many as he will.

    My love’s a huntsman,
    Knows tracks and trails,
    But he’ll only come to me
    Through the church door. 

    Translation © Richard Stokes, author of The Book of Lieder, published by Faber, provided courtesy of Oxford

    Der Frühling

    Es lockt und säuselt um den Baum:

    Wach auf aus deinem Schlaf und Traum,
    Der Winter ist zerronnen.
    Da schlägt er frisch den Blick empor,
    Die Augen sehen hell hervor
    Ans goldne Licht der Sonnen.

    Es zieht ein Wehen sanft und lau,
    Geschaukelt in dem Wolkenbau
    Wie Himmelsduft hernieder.
    Da werden alle Blumen wach,
    Da tönt der Vögel schmelzend Ach,
    Da kehrt der Frühling wieder.

    Es zuckt und bebt im Blute was,
    Die Wimpern werden tränennaß,
    Es pochet leis im Herzen.
    O Mensch, du fühlest Frühlingslust,
    Und Liebe hebet deinen Ernst,
    Und wecket süße Schmerzen!

    Es weht der Wind den Blütenstaub
    Von Kelch zu Kelch, von Laub zu Laub,
    Durch Tage und durch Nächte.
    Flieg auch, mein Herz, und flattre fort,
    Such hier ein Herz und such es dort,
    Du triffst vielleicht das Rechte.

    Johann Baptist Rousseau



    The wind entices and murmurs about the tree:

    Awaken from your sleep and your dream,
    The winter has thawed.
    It casts its gaze briskly upward,
    Its eyes look brightly upon
    The golden light of the sun.

    A gentle, warm breeze wafts
    and rocks in the mass of clouds,
    Downward like the fragrance of heaven.
    Then all the flowers awaken,
    The little birds sing melting sighs,
    And Spring returns once more.

    Something starts and shakes in the blood,
    The eyelashes become wet with tears;
    There is a gentle throbbing in the heart.
    O Man, you feel the joy of Spring,
    And Love lifts you from your seriousness,
    And wakes such sweet pain!

    The wind wafts the pollen
    From calyx to calyx, from leaf to leaf,
    Throughout the day and throughout the night.
    Fly also, my heart, and flutter forth,
    Search here and search there for another heart. 
    Perhaps you will meet the right one.

    Translation copyright © by Emily Ezust, from the LiederNet Archive;

    Heimweh II

    O wüsst ich doch den Weg zurück,

    Den lieben Weg zum Kinderland!
    O warum sucht ich nach dem Glück
    Und ließ der Mutter Hand?

    O wie mich sehnet auszuruhn,
    Von keinem Streben aufgeweckt,
    Die müden Augen zuzutun,

    Von Liebe sanft bedeckt!

    Und nichts zu forschen, nichts zu spähn,
    Und nur zu träumen leicht und lind;
    Der Zeiten Wandel nicht zu sehn,
    Zum zweiten Mal ein Kind!

    O zeigt mir doch den Weg zurück,
    Den lieben Weg zum Kinderland!
    Vergebens such ich nach dem Glück,
    Ringsum ist öder Strand!

    Klaus Groth


    Ah! if I but knew the way back,

    The sweet way back to childhood’s land!
    Ah! why did I seek my fortune
    And let go of my mother’s hand?

    Ah! how I long for utter rest,
    Not to be roused by any striving,
    Long to close my weary eyes,

    Gently shrouded by love!

    And search for nothing, watch for nothing,
    Dream only light and gentle dreams,
    Not to see the times change,
    To be a child a second time!

    Ah! show me that way back,
    The sweet way back to childhood’s land!
    I seek happiness in vain,
    Ringed round by barren shores.

    Translation © Richard Stokes, author of The Book of Lieder, published by Faber, provided courtesy of Oxford Lieder-


    Wehe, Lüftchen, lind und lieblich

    Um die Wange der Geliebten,
    Spiele zart in ihrer Locke,
    Eile nicht, hinwegzufliehn!
    Tut sie dann vielleicht die Frage,
    Wie es um mich Armen stehe,
    Sprich: „Unendlich war sein Wehe,
    Höchst bedenklich seine Lage;
    Aber jetzo kann er hoffen
    Wieder herrlich aufzuleben,
    Denn du, Holde, denkst an ihn.”

    Georg Friedrich Daumer


    A Message

    Blow breeze, gently and sweetly

    About the cheek of my beloved,
    Play softly with her tresses,
    Make no haste to fly away!
    Then if she should chance to ask
    How things are with wretched me,
    Say: ‘His sorrow’s been unending,
    His condition most grave;
    But now he can hope
    To revel in life once more,

    For you, fair one, think of him.’

    Translation © Richard Stokes, author of The Book of Lieder, published by Faber, provided courtesy of Oxford Lieder-

  3. intermission

  4. Libby Larsen | Cowboy Songs

    Bucking Bronco
    Lift me into heaven slowly
    Billy the Kid


    Bucking Bronco

    My love is a rider, my love is a rider…

    My true love is a rider wild broncos he breaks,
    though he promised to quit for my sake.
    It’s one foot in the stirrup and the saddle put on
    with a swing and a jump he is mounted and gone.

    The first time I met him it was early one spring
    a riding a bronco a high headed thing.
    The next time I saw him ’twas late in the fall
    a swinging the girls at Tomlinson’s ball.

    He gave me some presents among them a ring
    the return that I gave him was a far better thing;
    A young maiden’s heart, I’d have you all know,
    that he won it by riding his bucking bronco.

    Now all young maidens, where’re you reside,
    beware of the cowboy who swings rawhide,
    He’ll court you and pet you and leave you to go
    in the spring up the trail on his bucking bronco.

    Belle Starr

    Lift me into heaven slowly

    Lift me into heaven slowly,
    cause my back’s sore
    and my mind’s thoughtful
    and I’m not even sure
    I want to go.

    Robert Creeley

    Billy the Kid

    Billy was a bad man
    carried a big gun,
    He was always after good folks
    And he kept them on the run.

    He shot one every morning
    To make his morning meal.
    And let a man sass him,
    He was sure to feel his steel.

    He kept folks in hot water,
    Stole from every stage,
    When he was full of liquor
    He was always in a rage.

    He kept things boilin’ over,
    he stayed out in the brush,
    when he was full of dead eye,
    other folks’ld better hush.

    Billy was a bad man, but
    one day he met a man
    a whole lot badder
    and now he’s dead
    and we ain’t none the sadder.


  5. Germaine Tailleferre | Six chansons françaises

    Non, la fidélité
    Souvent un air de vérité
    Mon mari ma diffamée
    Vrai Dieu, qui m'y confortera
    On a dit mal de mon ami
    Les trois presents


    Non, la fidélité

    Non, la fidélité

    N'a jamais été
    Qu'une imbécillité.
    J'ai quitté par légèreté
    Plus d'une beauté.

    Vive la nouveauté!
    Mais quoi! La probité?

    Le serment répété?
    Style usité.
    A-t-on jamais compté
    Sur un traité
    Dicté par la volupté,
    Sans liberté?

    On feint par vanité
    D'être irrité.
    L'amant peu regretté
    Est invité:
    La femme avec gaîté,
    Bientôt s'arrange de son côté. 

    Gabriel-Charles de Lattaignant


    No, fidelity…

    No, fidelity

    Has never been
    Anything but stupidity.
    I left thoughtlessly
    For more than one beauty.

    Long live novelty!
    But what… morality!

    Repeated vows!
    Out of fashion.
    Could one ever count
    on a treatise
    Inspired by pleasure
    Without freedom?

    You pretend, out of vanity
    To be annoyed
    The little regretted lover
    is invited
    The woman with gaiety 

    Soon settles on his side.

    Translation copyright © by Emily Ezust, from the LiederNet Archive;

    Souvent un air de vérité

    Souvent un air de vérité

    Se mêle au plus grossier mensonge.
    Une nuit dans l'erreur d'un songe,
    Au rang des rois j'étais monté.
    Je vous aimais alors et j'osais vous le dire.
    Les dieux à mon réveil ne m'ont pas tout ôté;
    Je n'ai perdu que mon empire. 


    Off of an air of truth

    Off of an air of truth

    Can mingle in the crudest lie.
    One night in a deluded dream,
    I had risen to the rank of kings.
    I loved you at the time and dared to tell you.
    The gods, when I woke up, did not take everything from me;

    I only lost my empire.

    Translation copyright © by Emily Ezust, from the LiederNet Archive;

    Mon mari ma diffamée

    Mon mari m'a diffamée

    Pour l'amour de mon ami,
    De la longue demeurée
    Que j'ai faite avecque lui.
    Hé! mon ami,
    En dépit de mon mari
    qui me va toujours battant,
    Je ferai pis que devant.

    Aucunes gens m'ont blamée,
    Disant que j'ai fait ami;
    La chose très fort m'agrée,
    Mon très gracieux souci.
    Hé! mon ami,
    en dépit de mon mari
    Qui ne vaut pas un grand blanc,
    Je ferai pis que devant.

    Quand je suis la nuit couchée
    Entre les bras de mon ami,
    Je deviens presque pamée
    Du plaisir que prends en lui.
    Hé! mon ami
    Plût à Dieu que mon mari
    Je ne visse de trente ans!
    Nous nous don'rions du bon temps.

    Si je perds ma renommée
    Pour l'amour de mon ami,
    Point n'en dois être blamée,
    Car il est coint et joli.
    Hé! mon ami, 
    Je n'ai bonjour ni demi
    Avec ce mari méchant.
    Je ferai pis que devant. 



    My husband has defamed me

    My husband has defamed me

    For the love of my male friend,
    Of the long stay
    I have made with him.
    Hey! My lover,
    In spite of my husband
    who is always beating me,
    I will behave worse than before.

    Some people blamed me
    Saying I have a lover
    The thing greatly pleases me,
    It is my very gracious concern.
    Hey! My lover,
    In spite of my husband
    Who is worth a big nothing,
    I will behave worse than before.

    When I am laying at night
    In the arms of my lover,
    I just about faint
    with the pleasure I take in him.
    Hey! My lover,
    Would to God that I never see
    My husband in the next thirty years!
    We will give each other a good time.

    If I lose my reputation
    For the love of my lover,
    I ought not to be blamed,
    For he is pleasant and handsome.
    Hey! My lover,
    I do not get a good day nor even half
    with this nasty husband. 

    I will behave worse than before.

    Translation copyright © by Peter Low, from the LiederNet Archive;

    Vrai Dieu, qui m’y confortera

    Vrai Dieu, qui m'y confortera

    Quand ce faux jaloux me tiendra
    En sa chambre seule enfermée?
    Mon père m'a donné un vieillard
    Qui tout le jour crie:
    „Hélas! Hélas! Hélas!”
    Et dort au long de la nuitée.

    Il me faut un vert galant
    Qui fût de l'âge de trente ans
    Et qui dormit la matinée.
    Rossignolet du bois plaisant,
    Pourquoi me va ainsi chantant,
    Puisqu'au vieillard suis mariée?

    Ami tu sois le bienvenu;
    Longtemps a que t'ai attendu
    Au joli bois, sous la ramée.


    True God, who will comfort me

    True God, who will comfort me
    When this wrong and jealous man holds me
    Locked up alone in his bedroom?
    My father gave me an old man
    Who shouts all day long:
    “Alas! Alas! Alas!”
    And sleeps the whole night.

    What I need is a lusty younger man
    Who’s around the age of thirty
    And who sleeps in the morning.
    Nightingale of the pleasant woods,
    Why do you keep singing to me,
    When I am married to an old man?

    Lover, I bid welcome to you
    For a while I have waited for you

    In the pretty woods under the boughs.

    Translation copyright © by Peter Low, from the LiederNet Archive;

    On a dit mal de mon ami

    On a dit mal de mon ami,

    Dont j'ai le coeur bien marri,
    Qu'ont-ils affaire quel il soit,
    ou qu'il soit beau ou qu'il soit laid,
    Quand je lui plais et qu'il me plait?

    Un médisant ne veut onc bien:
    Quand le cas ne lui touche en rien,
    Pourquoi va-t-il médire?
    Il fait vivre en martyre
    Ceux qui ne lui demandent rien.

    Quand j'ai tout bien considéré,
    Femme n'est de quoi n'est parlé.
    Voilà ce qui m'avance
    De prendre ma plaisance.
    Aussi dit-on bien que je l'ai.

    Plût or à Dieu qu'il fut ici
    Celui que j'ai pris et choisi, 

    Puisqu'on en a voulu parler!
    Et, dussent-ils tous enrager,
    Je coucherais avecque lui !


    They have spoken ill of my lover

    They have spoken ill of my lover,

    I have a very happy heart.
    Why do they matter what it is,
    Whether he is handsome or ugly
    When he likes me and I like him?

    A slanderer is never well-meaning
    When the matter doesn’t affect him at all,
    Why is he going to slander?
    He makes life a misery
    For people who ask nothing of him.

    When all things considered,
    There are no women not talked about.
    That is what encourages me
    To take pleasure.
    So it is rightly said I have it.

    Would to God that the man were here
    Whom I have taken and chosen, 

    Given that the people wanted to talk of him!
    And, even if they all get angry,

    I would lie with him!

    Translation copyright © by Peter Low, from the LiederNet Archive;

    Les trois presents

    Je vous donne, avec grand plaisir,

    De trois présents un à choisir.
    La belle, c'est à vous de prendre
    Celui des trois qui plus vous duit.
    Les voici, sans vous faire attendre:
    Bonjour, bonsoir et bonne nuit.

    Jean-François Sarasin


    Three Presents

    I give you, with great pleasure,

    Three presents- one to choose from.
    Beautiful, it is up to you
    One of three that fools you more.
    Here they are, without making you wait:

    “Good morning, good evening, and good night.”

    Translation copyright © by Peter Low, from the LiederNet Archive;


  6. Thank you
    To God and my family. Glory be to the Father Almighty. I am eternally blessed and indebted to your love, guidance, and support for me. I love you!

    To Ms. Haber, for your wealth of wisdom, support, and patience. Thank you for helping me grow not only as a musician but also as an individual.

    To Justin Williams, my vocal coach, for your fervor and sensitivity for music that is utterly inspiring.

    A huge thank you to Leona, my wonderful accompanist, who is always willing and ready to create some magic with me.

    To my friends, studiomates, Hannah, Jordan, and Tim who never fail to put a smile on my face and encourage me to do better. To be better. Thank you.