Recital: Jimin Park '21 BM, Soprano

NEC: Burnes Hall | Directions

255 St. Botolph St.
Boston, MA
United States

NEC's students meet one-on-one each week with a faculty artist to perfect their craft. As each one leaves NEC to make their mark in the performance world, they present a full, professional recital that is free and open to the public. It's your first look at the artists of tomorrow.

Jimin Park '21 BM studies Voice with Bradley Williams and is the recipient of the Presidential Distinction Award.

Watch Live Stream from Burnes Hall

  • Jimin Park '21 BM, soprano
  • Leona Cheung, piano
  • Bradley Williams, studio instructor
  1. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart | Vado, ma dove? K. 583


    Vado, ma dove?

    Vado, ma dove? O Dei!

    Se de' tormenti suoi,
    Se de' sospiri miei
    Non sente il ciel pietà! 

    Tu che mi parli al core,
    Guida i miei passi, amore;
    Tu quel ritegno or togli
    Che dubitar mi fa.

    Lorenzo Da Ponte

    I go, but where?

    I go, but where? Oh Gods!

    If for his torments,
    If for my sighs,
    Heaven feels no pity!

    You who speak to my heart,
    Guide my footsteps, love;
    Remove that obstacle now 
    That makes me doubt.  

    Literal translation and IPA transcription © 2008 by Bard Suverkrop—IPA Source, LLC

  2. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart | Chi sà, chi sà, qual sia K. 582


    Chi sà, chi sà, qual sia

    Chi sà, chi sà, qual sia

    l'affanno del mio bene,
    Se sdegno, gelosia,
    Timor, sospetto, amor.
    Voi che sapete, o Dei,
    I puri affetti miei,
    Voi questo dubbio amaro
    Toglietemi dal cor.

    Lorenzo Da Ponte  

    Who knows what feeling

    Who knows, who knows,

    What may be the anxiety of my beloved,
    If it be anger, jealousy,
    Fear, suspicion, love.
    You, O Gods, who know
    My pure affections 
    Take away this bitter uncertainty  

    From my heart  

    Literal translation and IPA transcription © 2008 by Bard Suverkrop—IPA Source, LLC

  3. Claude Debussy | Ariettes oubliées

    C'est l'extase
    Il pleure dans mon coeur
    L'ombre des arbres
    Paysage belges: Chevaux de bois
    Aquarelles I: Green
    Aquarelles II: Spleen


    C’est l’extase 

    C’est l’extase langoureuse,

    C’est la fatigue amoureuse,
    C’est tous les frissons des bois
    Parmi l’étreinte des brises,
    C’est, vers les ramures grises, 

    Le chœur des petites voix.

    O le frêle et frais murmure!
    Cela gazouille et susurre,
    Cela ressemble au cri doux
    Que l’herbe agitée expire …
    Tu dirais, sous l’eau qui vire,
    Le roulis sourd des cailloux.

    Cette âme qui se lamente
    En cette plainte dormante
    C’est la nôtre, n’est-ce pas?
    La mienne, dis, et la tienne,
    Dont s’exhale l’humble antienne
    Par ce tiède soir, tout bas?

    Paul Verlaine

    It’s the languorous ecstasy 

    It is the languorous ecstasy,

    It is the fatigue after love,
    It is all the rustling of the wood,
    In the embrace of breezes;
    It is near the gray branches: 

    A chorus of tiny voices.

    Oh, what a frail and fresh murmur!
    It babbles and whispers,
    It resembles the soft noise
    That waving grass exhales.
    You might say it were, under the bending stream,
    The muffled sound of rolling pebbles.

    This soul, which laments

    And this dormant moan,
    It is ours, is it not?
    Mine, and yours too, 
    Whose humble anthem we breathe
    On this mild evening, so very quietly?

    Translation copyright © by Emily Ezust, from the LiederNet Archive

    Il pleure dans mon cœur 

    Il pleure dans mon cœur

    Comme il pleut sur la ville;
    Quelle est cette langueur
    Qui pénètre mon cœur?

    O bruit doux de la pluie
    Par terre et sur les toits!
    Pour un cœur qui s’ennuie
    O le bruit de la pluie!

    Il pleure sans raison
    Dans ce cœur qui s’écœure.
    Quoi! nulle trahison? …
    Ce deuil est sans raison.

    C’est bien la pire peine
    De ne savoir pourquoi
    Sans amour et sans haine,
    Mon cœur a tant de peine.

    Paul Verlaine

    Tears fall in my heart 

    Tears fall in my heart

    As rain falls on the town;
    What is this torpor
    Pervading my heart?

    Ah, the soft sound of rain
    On the ground and roofs!
    For a listless heart,
    Ah, the sound of the rain!

    Tears fall without reason
    In this disheartened heart.
    What! Was there no treason? …
    This grief’s without reason.

    And the worst pain of all
    Must be not to know why
    Without love and without hate
    My heart feels such pain. 

    Translation © Richard Stokes, from A French Song Companion (Oxford, 2000) provided courtesy of Oxford Lieder,

    L’ombre des arbres

    L’ombre des arbres dans la rivière embrumée

    Meurt comme de la fumée
    Tandis qu’en l’air, parmi les ramures réelles,
    Se plaignent les tourterelles.

    Combien, ô voyageur, ce paysage blême
    Te mira blême toi-même,
    Et que tristes pleuraient dans les hautes feuillées
    Tes espérances noyées. 

    Paul Verlaine

    The shadow of trees 

    The shadow of trees in the misty stream

    Dies like smoke,
    While up above, in the real branches,
    The turtle-doves lament.

    How this faded landscape, O traveller,
    Watched you yourself fade,
    And how sadly in the lofty leaves 

    Your drowned hopes were weeping! 

    Translation © Richard Stokes, from A French Song Companion (Oxford, 2000) provided courtesy of Oxford Lieder,

    Paysages belges: Chevaux de bois

    Tournez, tournez, bons chevaux de bois,

    Tournez cent tours, tournez mille tours,
    Tournez souvent et tournez toujours,
    Tournez, tournez au son des hautbois.

    L’enfant tout rouge et la mère blanche,
    Le gars en noir et la fille en rose,
    L’une à la chose et l’autre à la pose,
    Chacun se paie un sou de dimanche.

    Tournez, tournez, chevaux de leur cœur,
    Tandis qu’autour de tous vos tournois
    Clignote l’œil du filou sournois,
    Tournez au son du piston vainqueur!

    C’est étonnant comme ça vous soûle,
    D’aller ainsi dans ce cirque bête:
    Rien dans le ventre et mal dans la tête,
    Du mal en masse et du bien en foule.

    Tournez dadas, sans qu’il soit besoin
    D’user jamais de nuls éperons
    Pour commander à vos galops ronds
    Tournez, tournez, sans espoir de foin.

    Et dépêchez, chevaux de leur âme,
    Déjà voici que sonne à la soupe
    La nuit qui tombe et chasse la troupe

    De gais buveurs que leur soif affame.

    Tournez, tournez! Le ciel en velours
    D’astres en or se vêt lentement, 
    L’Église tinte un glas tristement.
    Tournez au son joyeux des tambours, tournez!

    Paul Verlaine  


    Turn, turn, you fine wooden horses,

    Turn a hundred, turn a thousand times,
    Turn often and turn for evermore
    Turn and turn to the oboe’s sound.

    The red-faced child and the pale mother,
    The lad in black and the girl in pink,
    One down-to-earth, the other showing off,
    Each buying a treat with his Sunday sou.

    Turn, turn, horses of their hearts,
    While the furtive pickpocket’s eye is flashing
    As you whirl about and whirl around,
    Turn to the sound of the conquering cornet!

    Astonishing how drunk it makes you,
    Riding like this in this foolish fair:
    With an empty stomach and an aching head,
    Discomfort in plenty and masses of fun!

    Gee-gees, turn, you’ll never need
    The help of any spur
    To make your horses gallop round:
    Turn, turn, without hope of hay.

    And hurry on, horses of their souls:
    Nightfall already calls them to supper
    And disperses the crowd of happy revellers, 
    Ravenous with thirst.

    Turn, turn! The velvet sky
    Is slowly decked with golden stars.
    The church bell tolls a mournful knell—
    Turn to the joyful sound of drums!

    Translation © Richard Stokes, from A French Song Companion (Oxford, 2000) provided courtesy of Oxford Lieder,

    Aquarelles I: Green 

    Voici des fruits, des fleurs, des feuilles et des branches

    Et puis voici mon cœur qui ne bat que pour vous.
    Ne le déchirez pas avec vos deux mains blanches
    Et qu’à vos yeux si beaux l’humble présent soit doux.

    J’arrive tout couvert encore de rosée
    Que le vent du matin vient glacer à mon front.
    Souffrez que ma fatigue à vos pieds reposée
    Rêve des chers instants qui la délasseront.

    Sur votre jeune sein laissez rouler ma tête
    Toute sonore encore de vos derniers baisers;
    Laissez-la s’apaiser de la bonne tempête,
    Et que je dorme un peu puisque vous reposez.

    Paul Verlaine  


    Here are flowers, branches, fruit, and fronds,

    And here too is my heart that beats just for you.
    Do not tear it with your two white hands
    And may the humble gift please your lovely eyes.

    I come all covered still with the dew
    Frozen to my brow by the morning breeze.
    Let my fatigue, finding rest at your feet,
    Dream of dear moments that will soothe it.

    On your young breast let me cradle my head
    Still ringing with your recent kisses;
    After love’s sweet tumult grant it peace, 

    And let me sleep a while, since you rest. 

    Translation © Richard Stokes, from A French Song Companion (Oxford, 2000) provided courtesy of Oxford Lieder,

    Aquarelles II: Spleen 

    Les roses étaient toutes rouges

    Et les lierres étaient tout noirs.

    Chère, pour peu que tu te bouges,
    Renaissent tous mes désespoirs.

    Le ciel était trop bleu, trop tendre,
    La mer trop verte et l’air trop doux.

    Je crains toujours,—ce qu’est d’attendre!—
    Quelque fuite atroce de vous.

    Du houx à la feuille vernie
    Et du luisant buis je suis las,

    Et de la campagne infinie
    Et de tout, fors de vous, Hélas!

    Paul Verlaine  


    All the roses were red

    And the ivy was all black.

    Dear, at your slightest move,
    All my despair revives.

    The sky was too blue, too tender,
    The sea too green, the air too mild.

    I always fear—oh to wait and wonder!—
    One of your agonizing departures.

    I am weary of the glossy holly,
    Of the gleaming box-tree too,

    And the boundless countryside
    And everything, alas, but you! 

    Translation © Richard Stokes, from A French Song Companion (Oxford, 2000) provided courtesy of Oxford Lieder,
  4. ---intermission

  5. Jake Heggie | from Natural Selections

    Animal Passion
    Alas! Alack!



    I give birth to myself

    My own mother and father
    For years I ran like a clockwork mouse

    Mama says, Papa says
    When does Goldilocks say 
    I am 

    Driven, I didn’t stop
    Expected more from the umbilicus 
    Never once got off the hook line or sinker
    Now before the world
    I reach out

    Gini Savage

    Animal Passion 

    Fierce as a bobcat’s spring 

    With start-up speeds of sixty miles per hour
    I want a lover to sweep me off my feet
    And slide me into the gutter
    Without the niceties of small-talk roses or champagne

    I mean business, I want whiskey
    I want to be swallowed whole,
    I want tiles to spring off of walls 
    When we enter hotel rooms or afternoon apartments
    I won’t pussyfoot around responsibility
    “Shoulds” and “oughts” are out for good

    And I don’t want to be a fat domestic cat
    I want to be frantic
    Yowls and growls to sound like the lion house at feeding time
    I don’t give a damn who hears, I don’t give a damn!

    No discreet eavesdropper’s coughs can stop us in our frenzy

    Let the voyeurs voient 
    And let the great cats come

    Gini Savage 

    Alas! Alack!

    Alas! Alack!
    I have a knack for falling for the wrong man
    Cavaradossi or Don Ottavio were just too tame
    I never seem to want to stick to my own script
    It’s the chain-smoking bad guy in leather
    The one who’ll ruffle my feathers the most 
    Who gets me
    I fear it’s a lack - Alas!

    As Tosca I lost it over Scarpia
    Not such a bad fella
    He had the power and the steady job
    The better tune
    So when they asked me to pick up the knife and dispatch him I demurred
    Perhaps it was his theme song I preferred
    I know there’s a lack - Alas!

    If I were Oberon, I’d choose Puck,
    For Pamina, it’s Papagena
    If I’m Brünnhilde it’s bound to be Wotan on whom I’m stuck
    If Isolde were smitten by King Mark or Melot
    Would it make her a zealot?
    I know there’s a lack - Alas!

    Gini Savage  

  6. Joseph Marx | Songs

    Selige Nacht
    Hat dich die Liebe berührt



    Duld' es still, wenn von den Zweigen, 

    blüten wehn ins fromme Haar,
    und sich sacht hernieder neigen, 
    Lippenpaar auf Lippenpaar.

    Sieh, ein Leben süß und wunderlich
    rinnt durch übersonnte Blätterreihen. 
    Alle Blüten, die sie niederstreuen,
    Frühling breiten sie auf dich und mich.

    Ludwig Jacobowsky 

    May Blossoms

    Quietly endure it, when from the branches,

    blossoms drift into your lovely hair, 
    and bow down gently,
    Two pair of lips, one on the other 

    Look, a sweet and wondrous trembling life
    flows through sundrenched rows of leaves,
    All the blossoms that fall,
    Spring is spreading blessings on you and me  

    Literal translation and IPA transcription © 2010 by Bard Suverkrop—IPA Source, LLC

    Selige Nacht 

    Im Arm der Liebe schliefen wir selig ein.

    Am offnen Fenster lauschte der Sommerwind,
    und  uns’rer Atemzüge Frieden
    trug er hinaus in die helle Mondnacht. 

    Und aus dem Garten tastete zagend sich
    ein Rosenduft an uns’rer Liebe Bett
    und gab uns wundervolle Träume,
    Träume des Rausches, so reich an Sehnsucht. 

    Otto Erich Hartleben

    Blissful Night 

    In the arms of love we fell blissfully asleep.

    The summer wind listened at the open window,
    and carried the peace of our breathing
    into the bright moon-lit night.

    And from the garden, the scent of roses
    cautiously touched our bed of love
    and gave us wonderful dreams,
    Dreams of ecstasy, so rich in longing. 

    Translation © 1996 by Steven Ledbetter


    Süß duftende Lindenblüte 
    in quellender Juninacht. 

    Eine Wonne aus meinem Gemüte
    ist mir in Sinnen erwacht. 

    Als klänge vor meinen Ohren 
    leise das Lied vom Glück, 
    als töne, die lange verloren, 
    die Jugend leise zurück. 

    Süß duftende Lindenblüte
    in quellender Juninacht.
    Eine Wonne aus meinem Gemüte
    ist mir zu Schmerzen erwacht.

    Otto Erich Hartleben  


    Sweetly fragrant linden blossoms
    in the flowing June night. 

    A feeling of delight in my soul 
    has awakened in my consciousness.

    As if I heard ringing in my ears 
    the soft song of happiness;
    echoing softly,
    the long lost song of youth.

    Sweetly fragrant linden blossoms
    in the flowing June night.
    A feeling of delight in my soul 
    turns to pain within me. 

    Literal translation and IPA transcription © 2008 by Bard Suverkrop—IPA Source, LLC

    Hat dich die Liebe berührt 

    Hat dich die Liebe berührt,

    still unter lärmendem Volke,
    gehst du in gold’ner Wolke,
    sicher vom Gotte geführt.

    Nur wie verloren umher,
    lässest die Blicke du wandern,
    gönnst ihre Freuden den Andern,
    trägst nur nach einem Begehr.

    Scheu in dich selber verzückt,
    möchtest du leugnen vergebens,
    daß nun die Krone des Lebens, 
    strahlend die Stirn dir schmückt.

    Paul Heyse  

    If love has touched you

    If love has touched you,

    quietly amid the noisy crowd,
    you will walk among golden clouds,
    safely guided by God. 

    As if lost,
    you let your glances wonder,
    allow others their pleasures,
    As you live for only one desire.

    Timidly trying to conceal your ecstacy,
    you attempt, in vain, to deny
    that the crown of life now
    radiantly adorns your brow.  

    Literal translation and IPA transcription © 2008 by Bard Suverkrop—IPA Source, LLC

  7. Dong Jin Kim | 신아리랑 (New Arirang)







    Myeong Mun Yang 

    New Arirang 

    Arirang, Arirang, Arariyo

    Go over the hill of Arirang 
    Shall I wait clutching the bushwood gate ajar?
    Wild geese fly in rows through the moonlight night.
    The love I met when peonies blossomed
    Never returned even when the white
    chrysanthemums began to wither.

    The moon sets beyond the western mountains, it’s pitiful to be alone
    With no way to untangle the affection that binds my heart 
    Arirang, Arirang, Arariyo
    Go over the hill of Arirang

    Arirang, Arirang, Arariyo
    Go over the hill of Arirang
    Shall I build a thatched cottage at the base of that mountain
    And live like a flowing stream?
    Arirang, Arirang, Arariyo
    Go over the hill of Arirang  

    Translation by Youngsik Choi 

  8. Woon Young Na | 시편 23편 (Psalm 23)


    시편 23





    Woon Young Na

    Psalm 23

    The Lord is my shepherd, 

    I lack nothing
    He makes me lie down
    in green pastures,
    leads me besides quiet waters 

    Surely His goodness 
    and kindness 
    will follow me all the days
    of my life

    I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever

    from Psalm 23