Recital: Jaeeun Shin '21 MM, Soprano

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NEC's students meet one-on-one each week with a faculty artist to perfect their craft. As each one leaves NEC to make their mark in the performance world, they present a full, professional recital that is free and open to the public. It's your first look at the artists of tomorrow.

Jaeeun Shin '21 MM studies Voice with Lorraine Nubar. She is the recipient of a scholarship made possible by the Richard M. and Priscilla Hunt Fund for Opera Students.

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  • Jaeeun Shin '21 MM, soprano
  1. Richard Strauss | Songs

    Ich schwebe
    Die Nacht


    Ich schwebe

    Ich schwebe wie auf Engelsschwingen,

    Die Erde kaum berührt mein Fuß,
    In meinen Ohren hör' ich's klingen
    Wie der Geliebten Scheidegruß.

    Das tönt so lieblich, mild und leise,
    Das spricht so zage, zart und rein,
    Leicht lullt die nachgeklung'ne Weise
    In wonneschweren Traum mich ein.

    Mein schimmernd Aug' -- indeß mich füllen
    Die süßesten der Melodien, --
    Sieht ohne Falten, ohne Hüllen

    Mein lächelnd Lieb' vorüberziehn

    Karl Friedrich Henckell

    I float

    I float as if on angels’ wings,

    My foot hardly touches the earth,
    In my ears I hear a sound
    Like my love’s farewell greeting.

    It sounds so sweetly, gently, softly,
    It speaks such tender, timid, pure words,
    The tune still sounds and lulls me gently
    Into bliss-laden dreams.

    My glistening eyes—while I’m filled
    By the sweetest of melodies—
    See my love, without clothes or veil,

    Pass smiling by.

    Translation © Richard Stokes, author of The Book of Lieder, published by Faber, provided courtesy of Oxford

    Die Nacht

    Aus dem Walde tritt die Nacht,

    Aus den Bäumen schleicht sie leise,
    Schaut sich um in weitem Kreise,
    Nun gib Acht!

    Alle Lichter dieser Welt,
    Alle Blumen, alle Farben
    Löscht sie aus und stiehlt die Garben
    Weg vom Feld.

    Alles nimmt sie, was nur hold,
    Nimmt das Silber weg des Stroms
    Nimmt vom Kupferdach des Doms
    Weg das Gold.

    Ausgeplündert steht der Strauch:
    Rücke näher, Seel’ an Seele,
    O die Nacht, mir bangt, sie stehle
    Dich mir auch. 

    Hermann von Gilm


    Night steps from the woods,

    Slips softly from the trees,
    Gazes about her in a wide arc,
    Now beware!

    All the lights of this world,
    All the flowers, all the colours
    She extinguishes and steals the sheaves
    From the field.

    She takes all that is fair,
    Takes the silver from the stream,
    Takes from the cathedral’s copper roof
    The gold.

    The bush stands plundered:
    Draw closer, soul to soul,
    Ah the night, I fear, will steal
    You too from me.

    Translation © Richard Stokes, author of The Book of Lieder, published by Faber, provided courtesy of Oxford Lieder


    An dem Feuer saß das Kind

    Amor, Amor
    Und war blind;
    Mit dem kleinen Flügel fächelt
    In die Flammen er und lächelt,
    Fächelt, lächeltl schlaues Kind.

    Ach, der Flügel brennt dem Kind!
    Amor, Amor
    Läuft geschwind!
    "O wie ihn die Glut durchpeinet!"
    Flügelschlagend laut er weinet;
    In der Hirtin Schoß entrinntA
    Hülfeschreiend das schlaue Kind.

    Und die Hirtin hilft dem Kind,
    Amor, Amor
    Bös und blind.
    Hirtin, sieh, dein Herz entbrennet,
    Hast den Schelmen nicht gekennet.Z
    Sieh, die Flamme wächst geschwinde.
    Hüt dich vor dem schlauen Kind!

    Clemens von Brentano


    By the fire sat the child

    Cupid, Cupid
    and was blind;
    with his little wings he fans
    into the flames and smiles;
    Fan, smile, wily child

    Ah, the child's wing is burning!
    Cupid, Cupid
    runs quickly.
    O how the burning hurts him deeply!
    Beating his wings, he weeps loudly;
    To the shepherdess's lap runs,
    crying for help, the wily child.

    And the shepherdess helps the child,
    Cupid, Cupid,
    naughty and blind.
    Shepherdess, look, your heart is burning;
    You did not recognize the rascal.
    See, the flame is growing quickly.

    Save yourself, from the wily child!

    Translation from German (Deutsch) to English copyright © 2002 by John Glenn Paton, from the LiederNet Archive -

  2. Claude Debussy | from Recueil Vasnier

    En sourdine
    La romance d'Ariel


    En sourdine

    Calmes dans le demi-jour

    Que les branches hautes font,
    Pénétrons bien notre amour
    De ce silence profond.

    Fondons nos âmes, nos cœurs
    Et nos sens extasiés,
    Parmi les vagues langueurs
    Des pins et des arbousiers.

    Ferme tes yeux à demi,
    Croise tes bras sur ton sein,
    Et de ton cœur endormi 

    Chasse à jamais tout dessein.

    Laissons-nous persuader
    Au souffle berceur et doux
    Qui vient à tes pieds rider
    Les ondes des gazons roux.

    Et quand, solennel, le soir
    Des chênes noirs tombera,
    Voix de notre désespoir,
    Le rossignol chantera.

    Paul Verlaine


    Calm in the twilight

    Cast by lofty boughs,
    Let us steep our love
    In this deep quiet.

    Let us blend our souls, our hearts
    And our enraptured senses
    With the hazy languor
    Of arbutus and pine.

    Half-close your eyes,
    Fold your arms across your breast,
    And from your heart now lulled to rest

    Banish forever all intent.

    Let us both succumb
    To the gentle and lulling breeze
    That comes to ruffle at your feet
    The waves of russet grass.

    And when, solemnly, evening
    Falls from the black oaks,
    That voice of our despair,
    The nightingale shall sing.

    Translation © Richard Stokes, from A French Song Companion (Oxford, 2000) provided courtesy of Oxford


    La lune se levait, pure, mais plus glacée

    Que le ressouvenir de quelqu’amour passée.
    Les étoiles, au fond du ciel silencieux,
    Brillaient, mais d'un éclat changeant,
    comme des yeux

    Où flotte une pensée insaisissable à l'âme.
    Et le violon, tendre et doux, comme une femme
    Dont la voix s'affaiblit dans l'ardente langueur,
    Chantait: »Encore un soir perdu pour le bonheur.«

    Paul Bourget


    The moon was rising, fresh but more frozen

    Than the recollection of a love long past.
    The stars, silent at the back of the sky,
    Glittered, but with an unpredictable radiance,
    like [a pair of] eyes

    In which floats the elusive idea of the soul.
    And the violin, tender and gentle, like a woman
    Whose voice grows weaker in burning lassitude,

    Sang out: "One more night lost to pleasure."

    Translation copyright © by Emily Ezust, from the LiederNet Archive -


    Devant le ciel d’été, tiède et calmé,

    Je me souviens de toi comme d’un songe,
    Et mon regret fidèle aime et prolonge
    Les heures où j’étais aimé.

    Les astres brilleront dans la nuit noire;
    Le soleil brillera dans le jour clair;
    Quelque chose de toi flotte dans l’air,
    Qui me pénètre la mémoire.

    Quelque chose de toi qui fut à moi:

    Car j’ai possédé tout de ta pensée,
    Et mon âme, trahie et délaissée,
    Est encor tout entière à toi.

    Paul Bourget


    Beneath the summer sky, warm and becalmed,

    I remember you as in a dream,
    And my faithful regret loves and prolongs
    The hours when I was loved.

    The stars will shine in the black night;
    The sun will shine in the bright day;
    Something of you hovers in the air,
    Penetrating my memory.

    Something of you that was mine:

    For I once filled all your thoughts,

    And my soul, betrayed and abandoned,
    Is still entirely yours.

    Translation © Richard Stokes, from A French Song Companion (Oxford, 2000) provided courtesy of Oxford

    La romance d’Ariel

    Au long de ces montagnes douces,

    Dis! viendras-tu pas à l’appel
    De ton délicat Ariel
    Qui veloute à tes pieds les mousses?

    Suave Miranda, je veux
    Qu’il fasse juste assez de brise
    Pour que ce souffle tiède frise
    Les pointes d’or de tes cheveux!

    Les clochettes des digitales
    Sur ton passage tinteront;
    Les églantines sur ton front
    Effeuilleront leurs blancs pétales.

    Sous le feuillage du bouleau
    Blondira ta tête bouclée;
    Et dans le creux de la vallée
    Tu regarderas bleuir l’eau,

    L’eau du lac lumineux ou sombre,
    Miroir changeant du ciel d’été,
    Qui sourit avec sa gaîté
    Et qui s’attriste avec son ombre;

    Symbole, hélas! du cœur aimant,
    Où le chagrin, où le sourire
    De l’être trop aimé, se mire
    Gaîment ou douloureusement …

    Paul Bourget

    Ariel’s Song

    Come, will you not cross these fair mountains,

    When summoned by
    Your fair Ariel,
    Who velvets the moss at your feet?

    Sweet Miranda, I would wish
    For just enough breeze
    For its warm breath to ruffle
    The golden tips of your hair!

    The foxglove bells
    Will chime as you pass;
    The eglantine will shed on your brow
    Its white petals.

    Beneath the birch leaves
    Your curly head will turn blond;
    And in the depths of the valley
    You will see the water turn blue,

    The water of the luminous or dark lake,
    A changing mirror of the summer sky,
    Which smiles in merriment
    And grows sad in its shadow;

    Symbol, alas, of the loving heart,
    Where the sorrow, where the smile
    Of one too well loved, is reflected

    Merrily or sadly …

    Translation © Richard Stokes, from A French Song Companion (Oxford, 2000) provided courtesy of Oxford

  3. ---intermission

  4. John Duke | The bird


    The bird

    O clear and musical,

    Sing again! Sing again!
    Hear the rain fall
    Through the long night,
    Bring me your song again,
    O dear delight!
    O dear and comforting,
    Mine again! Mine again!
    Hear the rain sing
    And the dark rejoice!
    Shine like a spark again,
    O clearest voice!
    O clearest voice!

    Elinor Wylie, from Collected Poems

  5. Michael Head | A blackbird singing


    A blackbird singing

    A blackbird singing

    On a moss upholster'd stone,
    Bluebells swinging,
    Shadows wildly blown

    A song in the wood,
    A ship on the sea,
    The song was for you
    and the ship was for me;

    A blackbird singing,
    I hear in my troubled mind,
    Bluebells swinging
    I see in a distant wind,

    But sorrow and silence
    are the wood's threnody,
    the silence for you,
    and the sorrow for me,

    A blackbird singing

    Francis Ledwidge

  6. Korean Songs

    김성태 Sungtae Kim | 산유화 Flowers in Mountain
    이원주 Wonju Lee | 베틀노래 Loom song



    산에는꽃이피네, 꽃이피네, 피네

    산에는지네, 꽃이지네, 지네

    Flowers in mountain

    Flowers bloom in the mountain, flowers bloom, bloom
    Flowers bloom without autumn, spring, summer

    The flowers blooming in the mountain are blooming alone
    The little bird that singing in the mountain
    loves flowers, so lives in the mountain
    Flowers fall in the mountain, flowers fall, fall
    Flowers fall without autumn, spring, summer



    기다리마, 기다리마, 기다리마


    Loom song

    My heart seeps into the loom's thread

    Be warm to wrap around his soul
    The thread of pain that was quietly unwrapped
    Thread crossing over a lifetime
    The threads will be woven with thoughts toward him
    and will become silk to block the dawn wind
    I will wait, I will wait, I will wait
    Threads breaking twelve times a day
    It's a scary heart to be solved blindly
    It's a sad night to end at once
    An earnest love song
    All the tears I shed all my life seep
    and become a silk road that covers his pain.
    become a silk road 

    become a silk road

  7. Gaetano Donizetti | " Il dolce suono...Spargi d'amato pianto": Mad Scene from Lucia di Lammermoor


    Il dolce suono...

    Il dolce suono mi colpi di sua voce!

    Ah, quella voce m'e qui nel cor discesa!
    Edgardo! io ti son resa, Edgardo, mio!
    fuggita io son de tuoi nemici.
    Un gelo me serpeggia nel sen!
    trema ogni fibra!
    vacilla il pie!
    Presso la fonte meco t'assidi al quanto!
    Ohime, sorge il tremendo fantasma e ne separa!

    Qui ricovriamo, Edgardo, a pie dell'ara.

    Sparsa e di rose!
    Un armonia celeste, di, non ascolti?
    Ah, l'inno suona di nozze!
    Il rito per noi s'appresta! Oh, me felice!
    Edgardo, Edgardo, oh me felice!
    Oh gioia che si sente, e non si dice!

    Ardon gl'incensi!
    Splendon le sacre faci, splendon intorno!
    Ecco il ministro!

    Porgime la destra!
    Oh lieto giorno!
    Al fin son tua, al fin sei mia,
    a me ti dona un Dio.
    Ogni piacer piu grato,
    mi fia con te diviso
    Del ciel clemente un riso
    la vita a noi sara.

    Spargi d'amaro pianto
    il mio terrestre velo,
    mentre lassu nel cielo
    io preghero per te.

    Al giunger tuo soltanto
    fia bello il ciel per me!

    Salvadore Cammarano

    The sweet sound...

    The sweet sound of his voice struck me!
    Ah, that voice has entered my heart!
    Edgardo! I surrender to you, oh my Edgardo!
    I have escaped from your enemies.
    A chill creeps into my breast!
    Every fibre trembles!
    My foot falters!
    Sit down by the fountain with me a while!
    Alas, the tremendous phantom arises and separates us!

    Let us take refuge here, Edgardo, at the foot of the altar.
    It is scattered with roses!
    A heavenly harmony, tell me, do you not hear it?
    Ah, the marriage hymn is playing!
    They are preparing the rite for us! Oh, how happy I am!
    Oh joy that is felt but not said!
    The incense is burning!
    The holy torches are shining,
    shining around!
    Here is the minister!
    Give me your right hand!
    Oh joyful day!
    At last I am yours, at last you are mine,
    A god gives you to me.
    Let me share
    The greatest pleasures with you,
    Life for us will be
    A smile from merciful heaven.

    Shed bitter tears
    on my earthly garment,
    while in Heaven above
    I will pray for you.
    Only when you join me,
    will Heaven be blissful for me!
