Press Room

General Inquiries

For general media inquiries or to interview a faculty or staff expert, please email

Kendra Butters
Vice President for Marketing, Communications, and External Relations

Ann Braithwaite
Jazz Publicist
Braithwaite & Katz Communications

Stephanie Janes
Classical Publicist
Stephanie Janes PR

Jazz50 celebration features concerts in Boston and NYC with distinguished faculty, alumni, and students performing.
The Spring 2019 edition of Hear Here!, Volume IX, was unveiled on April 25, 2019 in Elfers Commons. Prizes were awarded to Daisy Chesler '22, Barbara (Barbie) Matthews '20, and Daniel Rosenberg '22 for their submissions.
Soprano Jessye Norman, pianist Ursula Oppens, and former Director of Libraries Jean Morrow will receive honorary degrees at NEC's 148th Commencement Ceremony.
BEAM’s Mission is to Prepare Young Musicians from Underrepresented Populations for Careers in Classical Music.