President's Council

NEC’s President's Council includes musical, educational, financial and community leaders from inside and outside New England. President's Council members are asked to inform themselves about the Conservatory and to bring to it their perceptions, experience, advice and assistance. Trustees and President's Council members serve jointly on standing and advisory committees devoted to broad areas of institutional support as well as to specific projects.

NEC President's Council 2023-24
Frances Bolton Wilmerding, Chair
Thomas W. Blumenthal, Chair, Board of Trustees
Andrea Kalyn, President
Elected President's Council Members

Rumiko Adamowicz
Clinton Bajakian
Gyasi Barber '13 MM
Bruce Barter
Peggy Barter
Walter S. Bernheimer II
Renee Burns
Gloria dePasquale ’71 ’73
Yelena Dudochkin
Yukiko Egozy '01 MM
Peter Erichsen
Thomas A. Erickson
Marvin E. Gilmore, Jr. ’51
William Hochberg
Jeffrey Hutchins
Shankar Jagannathan
Esther Kaplan
Beth Kaufman
Barry Kean
Jennifer Maloney ’88
Jane Manopoli
Melody McDonald ’70
Janice Meyerson '75 MM
Paul M. Montrone

Brendan Murphy
Hilda Ochoa-Brillembourg
Conrad Pope '73
Fernande Raine
Jessica Reece
Allan G. Rodgers
Stephen Rodriguez ’05 MM
Margarita Rudyak
Aviva Selling
Pedro Sifre
Eve Slater
Deborah L. Smith
Emilie Steele
Marylen Sternweiler
Eliza Sullivan
C. Winfield Swarr ’62 ’65
Anthony Trecek-King
Jane Tsuang ’86
Michael Williams ’77 ’81
Janet Wu
Joan Yogg

Life President's Council Members
Hope Lincoln Baker
Virginia Lilly Nicholas
Donna Maria Regis ’79
Kathleen I. Schuller-Bleakie