Prep conductor to add college ensemble to his portfolio.
Pianist and NEC Distinguished Artist-in-Residence Russell Sherman speaks to the graduating Class of 2015.
Natasha Brofsky-coached Trio Adonais takes second in Fischoff Competition
Joyful ceremony marks beginning of Conservatory's first new construction since 1959
Wide variety of stakeholders, perspectives, musical disciplines represented.
Darcy James Argue '02 M.M. and Andreia Pinto-Correia '06 M.M., '13 D.M.A. among 11 American and Canadian composers honored
Former Preparatory School student to join college violin faculty
Latest award to young trumpet student who won national competition.
Ceremony Marks Conservatory's First New Construction Since 1959
Former NEC president honored as a "composer's composer [with] a generous, humane soul."