The future of music, made here.

Archival Collections

Collection Details

Eben Tourjée (1867-1890)
Robert Goldbeck, Co-Director (1867-1868)
Carl Faelten (1890-1897)
George W. Chadwick (1897-1930)
Wallace Goodrich (1931-1942)
Quincy Porter (1942-1946)
Harrison Keller  (Acting Director 1946-1947, Director 1947-1953, President 1953-1958)
James Aliferis (1958-1962)
Chester W. Williams (1962-1967)
Gunther Schuller (1967-1977)
J. Stanley Ballinger  (1977-1982)
Laurence Lesser (Artistic Director 1982-1983, President 1983-1996, Interim CEO 2006-2007)
Robert Freeman (1997-1999)
Daniel Steiner (Acting President 1999-2000, President 2000-2006)
Tony Woodcock (2007-2015)
Thomas Novak (Interim President 2015-2018)
Andrea Kalyn (2019-present)

Committee Records
Philip Allen Papers
Sherwin Badger Papers

Third Stream/Contemporary Improvisation
Music-in- Education

Beethoven Statue
Beneficent Society (unprocessed)
Records of the Boston String Quartet
Jordan Hall Restoration
Measure by Measure
Mills Easter Flower Mission
NEC Centennial
NEC Memorabilia
Gertrude Norman – Marcia Van Dresser Room
Oliver Ditson Fund for the Relief of Needy Musicians
Mrs.Patterson Papers
Maud Moon Sanborn
Voice of Firestone

Faculty Committees
Curriculum Committees
Staff Committees

NEC Buildings
Cabinet cards
Marketing and Communications Print Photo Archive

NEC Concert recordings of ensembles performances, faculty recitals, artist diploma recitals and special event concerts can be found in the classic catalog.

Concert recordings

NEC Concert Programs, Yearbooks, Academic Catalogs, recent publications and doctoral theses can be accessed through our institutional repository.
