The future of music, made here.

Andrew Falendar

Portrait image of former NEC Vice President Andrew Falendar

Andrew Falendar spent his childhood years in Indianapolis. He earned his bachelor’s degree in economics from the University of Michigan and went on to receive his MBA from Harvard. After his first year at Harvard, Falendar took a year off from his studies, joined the Peace Corps and went to the Philippines.

Since 1989 Andrew J. Falendar has served as the Executive Director of the Appalachian Mountain Club, a 78,000-member outdoor recreation/conservation organization that promotes the protection, enjoyment, and wise stewardship of the mountains, rivers and trails of the Northeast. Falendar also serves on the New England Advisory Council for the Trust for Public Land.

Portrait image of former NEC Vice President Andrew Falendar

The Falendar Collection

The Falendar Papers take up approximately .4 lin. ft. or 2/5 of a record carton (49 folders). All of the records are paper files with the exception of one folder containing photographs.

This collection was generated by Andrew Falendar during his tenure at NEC. These materials had been kept in storage until they were transferred to the Archives in 2004.

Access to the Andrew Falendar Papers is granted by the Archivist.  Appointments must be scheduled in advance. There may be some restrictions pertaining to this collection, particularly regarding the faculty and subject files. Issues of access will be addressed on a case by case basis.

All copyrights to this collection belong to the New England Conservatory. Permission to publish materials from this collection is granted by the Archivist. This collection should be cited as: NECA 3.1. Andrew Falendar Papers, New England Conservatory Archives, Boston, MA.

The Andrew Falendar Papers are organized into the following eight series:

  1. Correspondence
  2. Faculty Files
  3. Academic Department Files
  4. Curriculum Records
  5. Administrative Department Files
  6. Subject Files
  7. External Files
  8. Photographs

Andrew Falendar’s Correspondence Files are divided into two types: general and board of trustees/overseers correspondence.  There is only a small amount of general correspondence which spans the years 1975-1986. The board correspondence, also a very small file, contains primarily records pertaining to the Overseers Steering and Visiting Committees.

The Faculty files consist primarily of correspondence with or about individual NEC faculty members.  For the most part this series is arranged alphabetically by the faculty member’s last name.  Where there was only one item relating to a particular faculty member, it was filed in the folder labeled ‘Individuals’. This folder itself is organized alphabetically.  Additional faculty files contain memoranda written by Falendar to the entire faculty community, as well as records pertaining to faculty governance, evaluations, employment practices, and other policies.

The four folders comprising the Academic Departments series – Chorus, Piano, Theory, and Voice primarily contain records pertaining to departmental budget and faculty contractual issues.

The Curriculum Records document degree programs offered at NEC or academic affiliations with other institutions. The DMA folder outlines the planning for the Doctor of Musical Arts Degree program at NEC. Another folder documents efforts to establish a joint program with Harvard University. The other two files contain information regarding the Kodaly course at NEC (partnered with the Kodaly Musical Training Institute) and NEC’s joint opera program with Boston Conservatory.

The Falendar collection contains records for several Administrative Departments. The Admissions folder contains records dealing with organizational structure, budgetary matters, and enrollment statistics. The Building Operations folder primarily consists of records concerning the pianos being used at NEC, as well as other equipment.  Much of the Dean’s office file includes information regarding tuition, fees, and refund policies. The largest of the Administrative files deals with the Development office. Included are materials relating to gifts, donor solicitations and profiles, the C. Michael Paul Foundation, the Jessie B. Cox Charitable Trust, the National Arts Stabilization Fund, the National Endowment for the Arts, the President’s Discretionary Fund, and the Perkins Fund. The Finance file contains annual financial summaries/statements. The Administrative folder labeled ‘General’ primarily consists of policy related materials which affect the whole NEC community, such as employment policies, sexual harassment policy, travel policies, records management policies etc. Summer School budget matters for 1976 are discussed in the Preparatory/Extension Division folder. The Residence Life file includes documents relating to the student health plan, resident assistant responsibilities, and the judicial review process.

The Subject Files of Andrew Falendar cover a wide variety of topics.  Three files pertain to NEC properties at 241 St Botolph St. and 295 Huntington Ave.  Other subjects that are discussed in Falendar’s subject records are the Assorted Music Contract with the Past Pop Orchestra (Community services department), a CBS/E. Power Biggs recording, Copyright law, NEC’s electronic music studio, legal matters, Gunther Schuller recordings, strategic planning, and the Russian exchange program, ‘Making Music Together.’ The strategic planning includes an article written by Falendar entitled “Providing Focus for Financial Management.”

There are only two External Files in the Falendar collection. The first, relating to the City of Boston, contains contractual information between the City and NEC concerning funding for the Madison Park Music program, a joint venture of the Boston Public Schools and NEC’s Community Services Department. The Northeastern University file contains information regarding the NU/NEC affiliation with regards to joint student health coverage, curriculum, library privileges, use of performance space etc.

There is one folder containing seventeen small photographs. All of the photos with the exception of two are color photos which were taken at an NEC staff retreat in 1984. The other two are black and white prints of another event in 1985.

Series 1: Correspondence

Folder 1 – Correspondence, General
Folder 2 – Correspondence, Board of Trustees

Series 2: Faculty Files

Folder 3 – Individuals
Folder 4 – Groups/Community
Folder 5 – Allard, Joseph
Folder 6 – Battisti, Frank
Folder 7 – Blake, Ran
Folder 8 – Cogan, Robert
Folder 9 – Heiss, John
Folder 10 – Hoffman, James
Folder 11 – Jochum, Veronica
Folder 12 – Monteaux, Claude
Folder 13 – Moore, Richard
Folder 14 –  Pash, Margaret
Folder 15 –  Radnofsky, Kenneth
Folder 16 – Russell, George
Folder 17 – Shure, Leonard
Folder 18 – Stumpf, Thomas
Folder 19 – Sutton, Julia
Folder 20 – Faculty Policies, Governance
Folder 21 – Faculty Policies, Governance

Series 3: Academic Departments

Folder 22 – Chorus
Folder 22b – Liberal Arts
Folder 23 – Piano
Folder 24 – Theory
Folder 25 – Voice

Series 4:  Curriculum Records

Folder 26 – DMA
Folder 27 – Harvard/NEC Joint Program
Folder 28 – Kodaly
Folder 29 – NEC/BCM Opera Program

Series 5: Administrative Departments

Folder 30 – Admissions
Folder 31 – Building Operations
Folder 32 – Dean’s Office
Folder 33 – Development
Folder 34 – Finance
Folder 35 – General
Folder 36 – Residence Life
Folder 37 – Preparatory/Extension Division

Series 6: Subject Files

Folder 38 – Assorted Music Contract/Past Pop Orchestra
Folder 38b – Biographical materials
Folder 39 – CBS/E. Power Biggs recording
Folder 40 – Copyright law
Folder 41 – Legal case
Folder 42 – Legal Case
Folder 43 – Electronic Music Studio
Folder 44 – Restricted file, 1984
Folder 45 – Restricted file, 1985
Folder 46 – Restricted file, 1986-1987
Folder 47 – Instruments
Folder 48 – Russian Exchange, Making Music Together
Folder 49 – Schuller Recording
Folder 50 – Strategic Planning
Folder 51 – 241 St. Botolph St. (Cotting School)
Folder 52 – 241 St. Botolph St. (Cotting School)
Folder 53 – 295 Huntington Ave.
Folder 54 – Artwork, Tapestries, Clocks, Other Objects
Folder 55 – Pelleas and Melisande manuscript
Folder 56 – President’s Library Book Collection

Series 7: External Files

Folder 57 – City of Boston
Folder 58 – Northeastern University

Series 8: Photographs

Folder 59 – Photographs