Reproductive Health

Birth Control: Choosing the Right Method for You

What you should consider when choosing a birth control method:

  • What are your contraceptive preferences? (i.e. condoms, birth control, withdrawal method)
  • How comfortable are you that you’re using your current birth control method correctly?
  • What factors influence your contraceptive choices?
  • Are you trying to prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs) as well as prevent pregnancy?
  • Are you currently involved in a sexual relationship?
  • Are you involved in a relationship with a man/ woman/ both?
  • What kind of sexual activities do you engage in (oral, anal, vaginal sex)?
  • How important is it to avoid pregnancy now/ What would you do if you became pregnant now?

How effective is your current method at preventing sexually transmitted infections and pregnancy?

Visit the following websites, itunes or playstore to learn more about choosing the right method for you!


NEC does not endorse or accept responsibility for the content or use of external websites.

Downloadable applications:

  • Plan A Birth control app- available free in itunes
  • Birth Control guide- available free in play store for Droid devices
  • Mayo Clinic: about birth control options for you available for $1.99 in itunes

Call New England Conservatory Health and Counseling Center and make an appointment if you’d like to:

  • Change methods or initiate a new method
  • Ask questions
  • Discuss your choices


241 St. Botolph Street, Room 112
Boston, MA 02115
Phone: 617-585-1284
Fax: 617-585-1208