Adult Education

Rodney Lister

Composer Rodney Lister has received commissions, grants, fellowships, and awards from the Berkshire Music Center (Tanglewood), the Fromm Foundation, the Koussevitzky Music Foundation, the Fires of...

Roberto Poli

Born in Venice, Italy, Roberto Poli is an eloquent communicator and a rising exponent of the music of Fryderyk Chopin, which he has comprehensively studied through manuscripts and original editions...

Rick McLaughlin

Rick McLaughlin’s work has been heard all over the world. A band leader, side-man, and member of the Grammy-nominated jazz group Either/Orchestra, he has performed on stages and in recording studios...


Clarinetist Richard Shaughnessy has enjoyed great success as a teacher of clarinet and chamber music to students of all ages. Over many years, he has had dozens of students selected to play in many of...

Nina Barwell Faculty Profile Photo

The New York Times wrote of Nina Barwell's debut recital in Carnegie Recital Hall that "her playing reflected the skill and assurance of a seasoned performer," and "she played beautifully." She plays...

Mark Lee

Mark Lee’s earliest musical training was rooted in the American sacred music traditions of the mid-western United States. These early experiences instilled in him a deep awareness of the importance of...

Maria Benotti headshot fac

Violinist Maria Benotti teaches violin and Sonata Duo class at the New England Conservatory Preparatory School, as well as violin in the NEC School of Continuing Education. She joined the faculty in...

John Mallia teaching

John Mallia's compositional process is informed by spatial constructs and concepts, and a fascination with presence, ritual, and the thresholds standing between states of existence or awareness. In...

Nicholas Kitchen

Nicholas Kitchen leads a many-faceted career as violin soloist, chamber musician, educator, video artist, arranger, arts administrator and technology innovator. He is on the Faculty of the New England...

Leslie Amper

Leslie Amper has enjoyed teaching a wide range of students from young children to adults. Her students have gone on to be high level respected professionals and enthusiastic avocational  musicians....