
Private Lessons

  1. Complete either of the forms below and tell us about your interests. Call 617-585-1160 or email now to get started
  2. We'll set up an informal meeting for you to meet one of our department chairs. You'll share where you are now and where you want to go, and our department chair will offer a personalized recommendation for which teacher will be a good fit for you.
  3. Once you've been matched with a teacher, it's time to register!

Form for orchestral instruments 

Form for jazz instruments 


Our Jazz ensembles provide a supportive environment for expanding your musicianship.

  1. Contact the School of Adult Education and tell us about your interests. Call 617-585-1160 or email now to get started
  2. We'll set up a placement meeting between you and a department chair. You'll share where you are now and where you want to go, and our department chair will match you with ensemble players who can meet you where you are, and grow with you.
  3. Once you've been matched with an ensemble, it's time to register!

Learn more about Jazz Ensembles

Aileen Starnbach discusses her Adult Education journey playing bass.