Report a Concern or Violation of NEC Policy
CARE TEAM and Concerning, Worrisome, or Threatening Student Behaviors
Faculty, staff, students, and guests are encouraged to use the CARE TEAM referral form to report student behavior that they perceive as concerning, worrisome, or threatening. For information on what is meant by concerning behavior, please visit the CARE TEAM page and review information on when to refer a student.
Community Climate Concerns and Bias-Related Incidents
NEC reviews reports of bias-related events, incidents, behavior, or actions and supports restorative and educational responses to address the individual, collective, and institutional impacts. To report an incident, please use the Community Climate Concerns form. Not sure if a behavior is a violation or how to categorize it? For student concerns, email the Office of Student Services at or call (617) 585-1310 and leave a message. For employee concerns, email Human Resources at or call (617) 585-1229 and leave a message. In either case, an appropriate staff member will be in touch based on the nature of the concern.
Report Sexual or Gender-Based Misconduct or Interpersonal Violence
NEC’s prohibits sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, interpersonal violence, and gender-based misconduct. NEC’s Title IX Coordinator reviews reports of such misconduct in accordance with the Title IX Sexual Misconduct Policy and/or the Gender-Based Misconduct Policy. To report an incident, please use the form below.
Reporting Violations of NEC’s Title IX Sexual Misconduct or Gender-Based Misconduct Policies
Academic Progress Reports
While we hope that all students are doing well in their classes, we know that sometimes this is not the case. This is a reminder that teachers may fill out Progress Reports for students who are not performing satisfactorily. Faculty who would like a member of Student Services to meet with a student should complete the Academic Progress Report below.
Report an Academic Integrity Violation
Academic violations are behaviors that include, but are not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, or falsifying official records related to NEC. General classroom misbehavior is considered a non-academic violation. To report academic misconduct, please use the Academic Integrity Report form.
Report a Non-Academic Violation or Room Misuse Report
Non-academic violations are behaviors that include, but are not limited to, alcohol, disorderly conduct, drugs, hazing, harassment, physical violence, or other violations of university policies, regulations, or rules. To report non-academic misconduct, please use the Incident Reporting form.
Report a Complaint Related to Online Learning
If you are a student participating in online learning through the College and need to share a complaint, please use the Student Complaint Form for Online Classes.