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Home Policies + ResourcesNEC’s Policies Against Gender-Based Misconduct

NEC’s Policies Against Gender-Based Misconduct

Institutional Values, Purpose, and Scope of Policies

New England Conservatory (NEC or the “Conservatory”) is committed to maintaining a safe and healthy educational and work environment in which no member of the NEC community is, on the basis of sex, including sexual orientation or gender identity, excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or subjected to discrimination in any NEC program or activity. Sexual harassment, including sexual violence, is a form of sex discrimination in that it denies an individual equal access to NEC’s programs or activities. NEC’s policies against gender-based misconduct are designed to ensure a safe and non-discriminatory educational and work environment and to meet legal requirements, including: Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in the University’s programs or activities; relevant sections of the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act (VAWA); Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in employment; and Massachusetts laws that prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity. 

It is the policy of NEC to provide educational, preventative, and training programs regarding sexual misconduct; to encourage reporting of incidents; to respond promptly and equitably to sexual misconduct in a manner that is not deliberately indifferent; to prevent incidents of sexual misconduct from denying or limiting an individual’s ability to participate in or benefit from NEC’s programs or activities; to offer to the parties supportive measures as appropriate, as reasonably available, and without fee or charge; and to provide prompt and equitable methods of resolution. 

NEC’s policies explain the process that will apply to reports of gender-based misconduct. The Title IX Sexual Misconduct Policy applies to reports of sexual misconduct as defined by the regulations implemented by the Department of Education (“DOE”) in August 2020 (the “federal Title IX regulations”) and applies to all members of the NEC community. The Gender-Based Misconduct Policy is intended to address reports alleging that a member of the NEC community has engaged in gender-based misconduct which does not fall within the scope and jurisdiction of the Title IX Policy. Matters that may be addressed under the Gender-Based Misconduct Policy include complaints submitted by individuals who are neither currently affiliated with NEC nor seeking to participate in Conservatory programs or activities; complaints concerning conduct that reportedly occurred in a location outside the United States or where NEC did not exercise substantial control; and alleged gender-based misconduct that does not constitute Prohibited Conduct under Title IX, but which would violate NEC’s conduct expectations and/or applicable state and federal laws, such as Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 or Massachusetts General Laws c. 151 B. 

Questions about the Title IX or Gender-Based Misconduct policy or concerns that any member of the NEC community may have violated the Title IX Policy or Gender-Based Misconduct Policy should be directed to the Title IX Coordinator: 

Phone: 617-585-1299

Additional information concerning anonymous reporting options and confidential resources are available under Reporting Options.

Violations of NEC’s Title IX or Gender-Based Misconduct policies may result in the imposition of sanctions ranging from an admonition or warning up to, and including, termination, dismissal, or expulsion. The remedies designed to restore or preserve equal access to NEC’s programs or activities may range from course-related adjustments and no contact orders to restrictions on access to campus, campus locations, or campus activities. Retaliation against an individual for making a report or complaint of sexual harassment, or for participating or refusing to participate in any proceeding regarding such a complaint, or for opposing discriminatory practices is prohibited.