Blumenthal Family Library Services

General information

Blumenthal Family Library Services
PC and Mac terminals are available on the first and second levels of the library. The terminals offer the Microsoft Office suite of products as well as onsite digital resource access.
Printing, scanning, and copying are available on the first and second levels of the library. For more information on printing, please see ITS’ page on Papercut Findme printing.
The library has several combination vinyl, CD, and cassette tape players on the first floor, and headphones that are available at the library services desk. These combination players allow for transferring audio recordings from vinyl and cassette tapes to CD, transferring to USB, or transferring to PC with the use of audio editing software such as Audacity.
The library has a group listening room on the first floor with a large TV, a Blu-ray and VHS player, a CD player, a vinyl player, an audio amplifier, and passive speakers. Please see the service desk for more information and booking.
Study carrels and tables can be used without reservation throughout the library.
The library has two rooms for group study. Both feature a table with four chairs. One includes a large display for group work. Please see the service desk for more information and booking.
Blumenthal Family Library Services
Instructions to activate MY ACCOUNT:
- From the library’s homepage, select Classic Catalog.
- Click the MY ACCOUNT tab on the top menu bar, and choose the barcode option. Enter the BARCODE from your NEC ID (all 13 digits beginning with 1112…)
- Enter your LAST NAME.
- Click LOG IN.
Features available through MY ACCOUNT:
- View a list of items checked out to your account and their due dates.
- Renew items once, if they have not been requested by another patron.
- View any outstanding library fees.
- Save citations in the catalog and send them via e-mail to yourself or others. Faculty members can use this feature to compile class reserve lists for library staff.
- Save searches and request to be notified via e-mail when the library adds items to the collection that fit search criteria.
- Request an item from another library that owns an item in the catalog, or to put a hold on an item owned by NEC that is currently checked out to another patron.
- View a list of your outstanding requests.
*Please note: requests or holds cannot be placed on any non-circulating materials such as reference books or sound recordings, nor can they be placed on materials that are currently available on the shelves. These items must be retrieved by the patron.
Please log out from your account before leaving a public workstation.
With a current validated NEC or Fenway Library Organization ID, most books, scores, and audiovisual materials may be checked out for one semester. One renewal is allowed for these materials. Chamber music ensembles that are coached by a faculty member may check out music for the entire semester by filling out a Chamber Music form. These are available at the Service Desk. Reference books, periodicals, microforms, and items labeled “Stacks – Does Not Circulate,” “Archives,” or “Vault” do not circulate.
Overdue Materials
Borrowers are expected to show consideration for their colleagues by returning items on time. If an item is long overdue, it is assumed to be lost and a bill will be sent for the replacement cost plus a processing fee.
Hold Requests
To place a hold on items in circulation, use “My Account” in the online catalog. When an item is returned it will be held for ten days and the requester will be notified. Hold Requests will not be accepted for items on class reserve.
Class Reserve
Materials placed on class reserve by faculty members are held at the Service Desk unless otherwise indicated. All items are listed in the Reserve Notebook by faculty member’s name and course number. The Reserve Notebook is held at the Service Desk. Reserve items may also be searched in our online catalog by the faculty member’s name or the course number. Select “Course Reserve.” Many of the recordings on Reserve are streamed through the library’s Avalon streaming service.
Alumni Library Privileges
Degree-holding alumni may take advantage of borrowing privileges by visiting the library’s Service Desk.
Guest Privileges
Members of the public may use print and audio/video materials within the library by leaving a valid photo ID at the circulation desk.
Question about your borrowing account? Drop in and visit the library’s Service Desk, contact us at, or call (617) 585-1250.
Blumenthal Family Library Services
Interlibrary Loan Requests
Materials from other libraries are available to current NEC faculty, staff, and college students through Interlibrary Loan (ILL).
Renewals are subject to the approval of the lending institution and cannot be guaranteed.
If you would like to discuss your request with a librarian, please call the Interlibrary Loan Librarian at (617) 585-1249 or e-mail
Materials listed in the Classic Catalog that belong to other institutions in Fenway Library Organization (FLO) may be requested by clicking on the “Place Request” button, located on the tab bar. Enter your barcode, PIN, and last name and log in. (If you do not know your PIN, see the instructions for My Account). Select “Request from another library” from the drop-down “Request” menu (Please allow 4 to 7 days for delivery of FLO library materials)
Materials may be requested directly from many Massachusetts libraries outside Fenway Library Organization through the Commonwealth Catalog. In the online catalog, click on the “Commonwealth Catalog” button, located on the tab bar. Log in using the link in the upper right corner of the Commonwealth Catalog. When prompted, select FLO-NEC: New England Conservatory from the dropdown menu, then put your barcode and last name in it. Please allow 2 weeks for delivery of Commonwealth Catalog materials.
Materials not available in other FLO libraries or through the Commonwealth Catalog can be requested through ILL using our ILL Request Forms.
Please allow 2 to 6 weeks for delivery of physical ILL materials. Digital ILL materials may take 1 to 2 weeks.
Blumenthal Family Library Services
Purchase Requests
To request that the library purchase a new book or score, please fill out our Book/Score Purchase Request Form. Please note that most requests take 6 – 8 weeks to process.
If your time frame is shorter, or if you are having trouble accessing the form, email your request to
To request that the library purchase a new sound or video recording, please fill out our Audio/Video Purchase Request Form. Please note that most requests take 6 – 8 weeks to process.
If your time frame is shorter, or if you are having trouble accessing the form, email your request to
Blumenthal Family Library Services
Frequently Asked Questions
Registered borrowers may use library materials for one semester and are allowed one renewal. Chamber ensembles must fill out a Chamber Music form, available at the library’s Service Desk.
Yes, materials can be renewed online by logging in to My Account through the Classic Catalog, the light blue tab located near the top of the library’s Classic Catalog search screen. To set up My Account, see the instructions above under “Access” and “My Account.” Click the box to the left of the item(s) you want to renew, then click Request Renewal located at the top and bottom of your list.
Yes. Log in to My Account, the blue tab located near the top of the library’s Classic Catalog. Search for the item in the catalog and click Make a request in the blue field on the right-hand side. Click Hold on the following screen. Next, make sure to choose New England Conservatory Service Desk as a pick-up location in the drop-down menu next to This Copy. Provide your 13-digit barcode located on the bottom left of your ID card, then click Submit.
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a service that allows you to request items that aren’t available through the Fenway Library Organization or the Commonwealth Catalog. See the instructions on this page or reach out to a staff member in the library for assistance. Please allow 2 to 6 weeks for delivery of materials.
The Fenway Library Organization (FLO) consists of 11 nearby libraries, including NEC, that share a single online catalog. These library locations are displayed at the top of the search screen and in the item’s location. The requested FLO materials will be delivered to the Blumenthal Family Library. College students and faculty may borrow from these libraries by presenting valid NEC identification. The lending library’s borrowing rules will apply to all items checked out.
College students and faculty can request items from FLO libraries. Log in to My Account, the light blue tab located near the top of the library’s Classic Catalog search screen. Search for the item in the catalog and click Make a request in the blue field on the right-hand side. Click Request from other library on the following screen. Next, make sure to choose New England Conservatory Service Desk as a pick-up location in the drop-down menu next to This Copy. Provide your 13-digit barcode located on the bottom left of your ID card, then click Submit.
College students and faculty may request items directly from many Massachusetts libraries through the Commonwealth Catalog. In the online catalog, click on the dark blue Commonwealth Catalog tab located on the search screen. Enter your barcode and select New England Conservatory from the menu. Please allow two weeks for delivery of Commonwealth Catalog materials.
There are several possible reasons.
- The item is on class reserve at the front desk. This is indicated by its Temporary Location under “Holdings Information” in the gray box at the bottom of the screen.
- The item has been checked out. This is also indicated under “Holdings Information” with its due date.
- If the item hasn’t been checked out and you still can’t find it, it might have been misplaced. Ask a library staff member for assistance.