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HomeFacultyIan Wiese

Ian Wiese

Ian Wiese

Education and Training

BM, Ithaca College; MM, New England Conservatory; DMA, New England Conservatory. John Heiss, Michael Gandolfi, Kati Agocs, Dana Wilson, Jorge Grossmann, Sally Lamb McCune, and composers John Harbison, Bert van Herck, and Scott Wheeler. While at Ithaca College, he received lessons with various distinguished guest composers including the late Steven Stucky, David Rakowski, Fredrick Kaufmann, Carlos Sanchez-Gutierrez, Ricardo Zohn-Muldoon, and Koray Sazli, among others.

Awards and Recognition

American Prize in Vocal Chamber Music

Winner of the Nightingale Ensemble Young Composers Commissioning Project

Maximiliano G.G. Call for Piano Scores Award

North Star Press Art Song Call for Scores

NEC Merz Trio Call for Scores

NEC Honors Ensemble Competitions for trombone quartet and piano trio, 2022

Finalist in the ASCAP Morton Gould Young Composers Prize in 2021

Ian Wiese

Division: Expanded Education

Department: Music Theory; Composition

“Transformative,” a “captivating mix of busy and sparse,” and “a crowd pleaser” according to the Boston Musical Intelligencer, Ian Wiese is a truly multifaceted composer.

Wiese teaches at Berklee College of Music as Associate Professor of Ear Training and Adjunct Professor of Composition. Currently a doctoral student at NEC in composition under John Heiss, his works have been heard in places such as New York City, Boston, Charlotte, Denver, Houston, Saratoga Springs, The Walt Disney World Resort, and internationally in Oslo, Norway and Moldova.

Multiple performers and ensembles, including loadbang, Imani Winds, Navy Band Northeast, Air Force Band of Our National Heritage, Dinosaur Annex, The ____ Experiment, Exponential Ensemble, Box Not Found, Worcester Polytechnic Concert Band, New England Conservatory Contemporary Ensemble, Some Assembly Required, guitarist Aaron Larget-Caplan, Kalliope Reed Quintet, oboist Kristin Leitterman, pianist Donald Berman, oboist Kemp Jernigan, soprano Corrine Byrne, Duo Zonda, members of the Beo String Quartet, WordSong Boston, Untitled Roots, Hub New Music, bassoonist Christin Schillinger, the Ithaca New Music Collective, and many others have performed his music.

In the past, he was composer-in-residence for the Ithaca College New Voices Literary Festival (a series that he founded), participated in the 2018 Collage New Music Composers’ Colloquium, and held a residency with the Ball State University Xenharmonic Music Alliance as part of the inaugural 2018 Xenharmonic New Music Showcase. He also composed the fanfare for the 121st Ithaca College Commencement Ceremony.

He has also worked administratively with several organizations and ensembles, including Philip Glass’s record label Orange Mountain Music, the Boston Philharmonic Orchestra and Boston Philharmonic Youth Orchestra combined, The Woodlands Chamber Music Project in Texas, and WordSong Boston, where his planning helped create the concert series’ tenth- anniversary celebrations.

Curriculum Vitae

BM, Ithaca College; MM, New England Conservatory; DMA, New England Conservatory. John Heiss, Michael Gandolfi, Kati Agocs, Dana Wilson, Jorge Grossmann, Sally Lamb McCune, and composers John Harbison, Bert van Herck, and Scott Wheeler. While at Ithaca College, he received lessons with various distinguished guest composers including the late Steven Stucky, David Rakowski, Fredrick Kaufmann, Carlos Sanchez-Gutierrez, Ricardo Zohn-Muldoon, and Koray Sazli, among others.

  • American Prize in Vocal Chamber Music
  • Winner of the Nightingale Ensemble Young Composers Commissioning Project
  • Maximiliano G.G. Call for Piano Scores Award
  • North Star Press Art Song Call for Scores
  • NEC Merz Trio Call for Scores
  • NEC Honors Ensemble Competitions for trombone quartet and piano trio, 2022
  • Finalist in the ASCAP Morton Gould Young Composers Prize in 2021