The future of music, made here.

Student Leave Policies

Students sometimes decide to take time away from school during the course of their programs for professional, personal, or financial reasons.

NEC provides several options for students who believe they need to take a leave of absence from their studies. Please read the information concerning available leave options carefully; interrupting your education may have important implications that you need to consider before finalizing any decisions. if you have questions about NEC’s policies, please contact your Academic Advisor or the Office of Student Services.

Student Leave Policies

Leaving the Conservatory


Students wishing to leave the Conservatory fall into one of three categories: 

  1. Leave of Absence: Available to students with medical or compelling professional reasons for interruption of their education. Students requesting a Leave of Absence must provide appropriate documentation for the requested leave as set forth in NEC’s Leave of Absence Policies. A Leave of Absence is subject to the requirements for the specific type of leave set forth in those policies. To request a Leave of Absence you must submit the Change of Status form as well as the Leave of Absence Request form and appropriate documentation as required by NEC. Students on an approved leave of absence are expected to return to Active status. Students who do not return to Active status as specified in the approval of the leave of absence may be administratively shifted into Inactive Status. Please see the Leave of Absence Request form for more information.
  2. Inactive: Available to all students, Inactive Status is granted for a maximum of two years from the beginning date of the semester in which the inactive period begins. Students who do not return to Active status within this period are administratively withdrawn from NEC. Inactive students may not enroll in another degree-granting institution during their absence from the Conservatory.
  3. Withdrawal: This is the only option for students transferring to another institution. If you withdraw but later wish to return to NEC, you must reapply through the Admissions Office. Previously earned course credits and grades may only be reapplied to the program with permission from the Dean of Academic Affairs.


Whether you wish to request a Leave of Absence, a shift to Inactive Status, or a Withdrawal from the Conservatory, you should discuss your plans with your department chair and your studio instructor. Then, submit the appropriate form(s)  to the Office of Academic and Student Affairs. Please remember that submitting the form should be the end of the process; we urge you to meet with your Academic Advisor and  the Dean of Academic Affairs to discuss any questions that would affect your decision.


We designate those students who leave after a term ends, but before the next term begins, as inactive from the last day of the term in which they were an enrolled student. Those who leave during the term would be inactive (or on leave, or withdrawn) from the date designated in their letter from the Dean of Academic Affairs. This could have important implications for refunds or loan repayments.

Other Considerations

  • Status: Students who are not active in their pursuit of their degrees are not allowed to participate in NEC activities, use the faculties, live in the Residence Hall, or continue their work-study jobs. In most cases, the government requires that international students on F or J Visas leave the country within fifteen (15) days of your status change. In certain circumstances, international students on an approved medical leave can remain in the US for a limited period of time. Students should speak to the Coordinator for International and Academic Advising and/or the Dean of Academic Affairs for more information. 
  • Loans: Unless you are granted a Leave of Absence, your In-School Deferment period will end when you become inactive. If you fail to make the appropriate arrangements, the loan agencies may declare you in default thereby preventing you from obtaining any government-subsidized financial aid (including new loans). Please contact the Financial Aid Office to discuss your options BEFORE you leave NEC.
  • Refunds: If you shift your status to Inactive during the term, you will be responsible for paying a percentage of tuition and fees as outlined in the Academic Catalog.  Any refund will be credited to your account; loans and scholarships may revert back to their source rather than count as a refund. If there is a credit balance in your account, it will be sent to your permanent address within six weeks of your change in status. If you have paid for Health Insurance through NEC, you will retain your coverage until the expiration date of the plan, regardless of enrollment status. 
  • Time Limits: New England Conservatory requires that graduate students (excluding DMAs) complete their degrees within five (5) years. Exceptions may be made, but only with permission of the department chair and the dean of academic affairs.
  • Access to Campus Resources: Students withdrawing from NEC will permanently lose access to all campus resources including their NEC email on the effective date of the change. Students going Inactive will lose access to all campus resources including their NEC email on the effective date of the change; upon approval to return to Active Status, they will regain their access to certain campus resources including their NEC email and full access to campus resources upon the start of their next active semester. Students taking a Leave of Absence will retain full access to campus resources including their NEC email during their leave semester. However, if they do not return to Active Status in the following semester and are switched to Inactive Status, they will lose that access.

Returning to Active Status

  • Notification: Students who wish to return to active status are required to submit their petitions to the dean of academic affairs no later than March 1 for a September return and October 1 for a January return.
  • Auditions: Students must prepare to resume studies in their department, either by audition or conference with the chair. Students returning to Active Status may require retesting in music theory to determine whether previous credits still apply. 
  • Reactivation Fee: Except in the case of approved medical leaves, the conservatory charges students a “Reactivation Fee” to cover the costs of maintaining administrative records, auditing transcripts, and supervising accounts; the fee is $75 and will not be charged until after you have resumed active status in your program. 
  • Financial Aid: Students returning to NEC are eligible to apply for financial aid. For more information, please refer to Financial Aid’s Renewal Policy or contact their office at 617-585-1110
  • Housing: As a returning student, you may request to live in the residence hall.


Please do not hesitate to contact the Office of Academic and Student Affairs by phone at 617-585-1310 or email