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Borromeo String Quartet Guest Artist Award Concert

Jordan Hall

Borromeo String Quartet Guest Artist Award Concert
In-Person Event
Open to the Public
Borromeo String Quartet Guest Artist Award Concert
One of the Borromeo's most-loved activities in their residency at the New England Conservatory is the audition process to select the Winners of the Guest Artist Awards. They greatly enjoy the week of collaboration in which every student who has entered the competition has a session playing and working together with the Quartet. Working with all of these students, and affording special recognition to those that are chosen as winners, is always an inspiring experience.

The live stream of this event is available to NEC Community members only. To watch the stream, please click the “Streaming Access” button at the top of the page and enter the NEC Community streaming password on the video window labeled “NEC-Produced Stream” when prompted.